Modi and Mossadegh:** Iran 1951 and India 2024 ——————————————— Why does Rahul Gandhi repeatedly go to the USA after failing to remove the Modi government in India? You will understand this by reading this article carefully. —Are there similarities between Mossadegh and Modi?


**Modi and Mossadegh:**

Iran 1951 and India 2024


Why does Rahul Gandhi repeatedly go to the USA after failing to remove the Modi government in India? 

You will understand this by reading this article carefully.

—Are there similarities between Mossadegh and Modi?

Have you ever wondered why the 

Iranian people call



The British had dominated Iran's oil trade, with 84% of Iran's oil production going to England and only 16% to Iran.

In 1951, a staunch patriot, Mohammad Mossadegh, became the Prime Minister of Iran.

*He did not like the dominance of foreign companies in Iran's oil trade.*

On March 15, 1951, Mossadegh presented a bill in Parliament for the nationalization of Iran's oil industry, which was passed with a majority.

**Time magazine** named Mossadegh "Man of the Year" in 1951!

But because of this, the British lost a lot! They made several small and large attempts to remove Mossadegh, tried to bribe him, tried to assassinate him, and attempted a military coup, but Mossadegh was very experienced and wise, so the British failed in their conspiracies.

Mossadegh was very popular among the Iranian people. Due to his popularity, a military coup was not possible.

In the end, the British sought help from America.

The CIA approved $1 million to remove Mossadegh. This amount was equivalent to 4,250 million rials (Iranian currency)!

America’s plan was to create dissatisfaction against Mossadegh and undermine public support, *then use corrupt MPs to overthrow his government.*

America paid *631 million rials to a large number of Iranian journalists, editors, and Muslim clerics. In return, they only had to do one thing: incite people against Mossadegh.*

Thousands of Iranians were paid to participate in false protests. They began marching on Parliament. *Major media outlets around the world also began supporting America.*

Opposition to Mossadegh started at a very low level, in the form of cartoons—just like the personal attacks on Modi's private life today.

Mossadegh was labeled a dictator.

Realizing that his government would be overthrown by corrupt MPs, Mossadegh dissolved Parliament.

America pressured the Shah of Iran to remove Mossadegh from his position as Prime Minister.

In the end, by bribing with 210 million rials, America incited fake riots in Iran’s capital with the help of mercenaries.

After the Shah returned to Iran, Mossadegh surrendered. He was tried, imprisoned, and later placed under house arrest until his death at the age of 85.

*Afterward, the U.S. and England shared 40% each of Iran’s oil, with the remaining 20% given to other European companies.*

Then the hardline Khomeini came to power, and the situation for the Iranian people worsened.

What was Mossadegh's crime?

His policy was that native companies should dominate instead of foreign ones in the country’s sectors. Was this his crime?

Under Mossadegh's leadership, Iran could have become a fully democratic country before 1955, and Iran alone would have benefited from its oil production.

*But corrupt MPs, journalists, editors, and protesters sold Iran's prosperous future for mere thousands of dollars.*

During this period of oppression, the Iranian people realized that America had a hand in toppling Mossadegh’s government.

That is why the Iranians call America the land of the devil!

Now think about who the real villains were for Iran?  

They were the journalists, editors, MPs, and activists who sold out to America.

Had these people not been bought, and had the people stood behind Mossadegh, America would never have succeeded. But for a few dollars, the patriotic leader was called a "Kumshah," and before anyone knew it, the entire country was ruined!

*Our country 'India' is also on a similar path today. It is a great misfortune that ordinary citizens do not see the conspiracies at play until they are faced with endless atrocities.*

*Fake issues, fake farmer movements, fake statistics, inciting castes against each other, provoking minority communities, the Communist lobby supporting anti-national forces—these are all steps being taken to bring India under the economic, social, and administrative control of foreign destructive forces.*

*The smart thing to do is to be alert and not fall prey to this corrupt media propaganda in time.*

All patriots should trust the current Indian leadership and stand firmly behind Modi. Otherwise, an Iranian-style disaster is inevitable.

*The intelligence agencies of major capitalist countries are working day and night to use many Indian politicians as their agents, with the sole aim of removing the current leadership (Modi).*

It is said that our destiny lies in our own hands. We just *need to understand it properly.*

The New York Times referred to Mossadegh as a dictator. The same is happening with Modi. Time magazine called Modi the "Divider in Chief," and he is still called a dictator today.  

*Isn’t this worth considering ?*

Easy to conquer enemies 

But backstabbing by traitors is treacherous 

A Non-Corrupt Patriotic Leader is a God Sent Crusader - A Blessing to Mother Bharat 

Jai Hind.


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