We proud to have Lord Rama as our God ЁЯЩП He is a great Man, great king, he is kind to women, well disciplined, having one wife only... What a great God... We are proud of you Rama... ЁЯЩП Sri Rama Jayam ЁЯЩП Ram RamЁЯЩП


We proud to have Lord Rama as our God ЁЯЩП He is a great Man, great king, he is kind to women, well disciplined, having one wife only... What a great God... We are proud of you Rama... ЁЯЩП
Sri Rama Jayam ЁЯЩП

They say God will take care of you. That God is all pervasive, all knowing.

But it is not always so. Sometimes you have to fight for your God. Because when you abandon him, he abandons you too. 

Five years ago, Ayodhya was a small town in dust bowl of Uttar Pradesh. It had few remnants of the glory of Lord Ram. We had allowed it to wither and die away. Why? Because our school and college textbooks told us to abandon that part of heritage as imaginary and unimportant. Evil people had woven into our consciousness and told us that there was no glory there. That glory belonged to those forces that had subjugated, humiliated us. Forces that had taxed us to maintain our identities.

When you allow your past to wither away, a part of you withers away too. When you surrender to persistent evil that seeks to obliterate your heritage, you not only surrender your ability to fight it, but become part of the evil itself. But we persisted, and then rose from the ashes. We survived the onslaught on our 'identity' and flourished.

Let us pledge to never let evil win. We shall not wait for our God's help. We shall gather our wits and fight evil as and when we see it. What Krishna told us so through the Gita, Ram told us thousands of years before him through his actions. The credit is not merely to leaders that we elected. Because they are nothing but a manifestation of our collective will. It's we who did it together.

Welcome home God. We have prepared a home for you on earth. We fought and we won. And we shall continue to do so.

Waiting for the grand temple desperately


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