Internship and On the Job training opportunities in Digital marketing... Are you a dedicated Digital Marketing Aspirant? Do you want to learn Digital Marketing from Mentors for free? We are looking for... 1. Digital Marketers 2. Content Writers 3. Graphic Designers


Internship and On the Job training opportunities in Digital marketing...

Are you a dedicated Digital Marketing Aspirant?

Do you want to learn Digital Marketing from Mentors for free?

We are looking for...

1. Digital Marketers

2. Content Writers

3. Graphic Designers

For further details contact:

N.Sugavanam 9176244989

Chief Operating Officer COO,

If you are passionate about Digital Marketing and ready to work & learn with full dedication. Then Outstanding Traffic will teach you all the things in the Industry from scratch. If you are interested ping me.

**No Money will be collected from you**

**Don't have prior work experience, not a problem**

**Don't know anything in Digital Marketing not a problem**

In our Internship, we provide on the job training so you will get good industry experience too. If you excel in the internship. We ourselves will hire you and make you a part of our family.

About Internship

Currently, it is Offline in Bangalore. You will get Trained in all the areas in Digital Marketing. Then you will be given projects in each area of Digital Marketing. Once you start excelling we will make you work on Live Projects.

We started this initiative after seeing all the top digital marketing institutes today charge more than 50k for an Industry Standard Digital Marketing Course. As a result of this, Digital Marketing is not easily accessible to deserving candidates. So we decided to make it Completely Free. Money should never be the barrier to the upliftment of your Career. We strongly believe in that.

What are the Things you will Learn in this Internship? (300+ Hours of Classroom Training)

Basic Understanding of Marketing & Digital Marketing

Traditional vs Digital Marketing

How to Market Anything? What is the Process Involved in Marketing?

Inbound & Outbound Marketing

Introduction to Digital Marketing

Concepts of Digital Marketing

Content Writing

Creative Writing

Content Marketing

Introduction to Search Engines

Search Engine Optimization Overview

Fundamentals of SEO

On-Page SEO

Off-Page SEO

Technical SEO

Local SEO

E-Commerce SEO

Voice Search Optimization

Advanced SEO

Website Content Writing


Introduction to Wordpress

Intro to Domain Name

Intro to Hosting Space

Wordpress Web Development & Design

Google WebMaster Tools

Bing Webmaster Tools

Google Tag Manager

Search Engine Marketing

Search Ads

Display Ads

Shopping Ads

App Ads

Video Ads (Youtube)

Lead Generation

Campaign Creation

Campaign Management


Facebook Ads

Instagram Ads

Twitter Ads

Linked In Ads

Youtube Ads

Social Media Marketing

Online Reputation Management

Basic Designing Knowledge for Social Media

Email Marketing

CRM Tools

CMS Tools

Graphic Designing Basics through Canva

Affiliate Marketing

Digital Marketing Tools

Digital Marketing Strategic Planning

These are the things you will learn. To make this journey fruitful for your career we added some excitements for you while learning. Learning with fun makes it memorable for you compared to hour long boring lectures. So what you will get in our Internship is,

Interactive Classes

Activity Based Learning

Case Studies

Group Discussions


Story Telling

Digital Marketing Presentations

Soft Skills Development

Story Telling

One on One Personal Attention

Initially this will be an Unpaid Internship once the candidate excel in the training and starts showing results we will start giving you a stipend based on industry standards. If you excel continuously you will be hired by us. (Placement Assistance will also be provided.)

SUGA Consulting Services made Business Partnership with and and providing Digital Marketing Services to its clients in Chennai, Bangalore - Bengaluru, Mumbai - Bombay, Calcutta - Kolkatta. 

SUGA Consulting Services developed already more than 5 clients for Digital Marketing Services in Bangalore.  If you want to expand your business by getting more clients please contat : N.Sugavanam, 9176244989

N.Sugavanam, Chief Operating Officer, Mobile & WhatsApp: 91-9176244989

Euphoriaz InfoSystem Pvt Ltd.

 “Shree Ashram View Enclave”,

#G03, SAVE, 15/3, KS Garden,

Thamaraikanna Road, Murphy Town,

Halasuru, Bangalore-560 008, India.

Phone: +91-80-1022 4466

Chennai Office: 

SUGA Consulting Services, 

No.26, TNHB Complex, 180, Luz Church Road, Mylapore, Chennai 600004


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