Why Pakistan is so shaken up by removal of Art 370 by India* ?


*Modi has so many battles on his hand. 1000 years of invader rule, and 70 years of Dynasty rule has built so many freeloaders. Breaking their stranglehold  one by one is phenomenal work.*

We don't know this -

*1.Kashmiri Apple and it's trade.*

*2 Indian Citizenship and Removal of Art 370*

*Why Pakistan is so shaken up by removal of Art 370 by India* ?

Out of many reasons here are two reasons just for those who think its *religion*. Actually it has nothing to do with religion/Jihad: 

*Reason1* : *Kashmiri Apple* !*

Kashmir provides 70% of apple production in India. It earns Rs.8000 crore annually from export of apple. 8 Lakh hectares of land in Kashmir is under apple farming. 

*But the farmers of Kashmir get Rs.3 to 15 per kg apple which is sold in the market anywhere from Rs 100 - 150 per Kg*. 

*So where does rest of the money go*? 

*It goes to the relatives of Abdullah, Muftis, Geelani & Shabbir Ahmed*...

*Yes these politicians who have built huge properties in US, Europe & India and whose children are enjoying lives abroad but they push poor and local Kashmiris for Islamic Jihad* !

After Art 370 is removed, the kashmiri farmers can join *NAFED* - 

*National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd*, an apex organization of marketing cooperatives for agricultural produce in India, under Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India.

*Since 12th August 2019 NAFED is buying apples directly from farmers. 3 types of apple categories A (Rs 54/kg), B (Rs 38/kg), C (Rs 15.75/kg)*. 

*As a result farmers have got money credited directly to their bank a/c by selling apples at 5-6 times higher price without increase in final price of market*. 

*Trucks are running filled with apples from Kashmir to all parts of India*. 

*Farmers are super happy*. Their children have money so they wont pick stones in the name of Jihad. 

So this gave a jolt to Pakistan supported terrorists. Their supply line of kashmiri boys are drying up. How will they produce Burhan Wani now?

Hence they have targeted farmers,  workers in apple farm,  truck drivers..... 

*Reason2* :

 *Pakistanis acquiring Indian citizenship by marrying Kashmiri girls*

*Any Pakistani who marries Kashmiri girl would automatically get Kashmir citizenship*.

*And Kashmiri people have dual citizenship (Kashmir & India). Once they get Kashmiri citizenship they automatically get Indian citizenship*. 

*What a stupid or blatantly Anti India rule - the culprit is Nehru and family*

1000's of Pakistanis have used these strategy to become Indian citizen and entered India to enjoy benefits and engaged in anti India activities. 

*After removal of Art 370 no Pakistani can get Indian citizenship* automatically. This has shaken Pakistani Mission to the core. 

*Hence Pakistan has gone mad after removal of Art 370*


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