To empower Rural Enterpreneurs, especially Women, we are now launching, Kalaam Bazar, our Virtual Flea Market, with an integrated Woocommerce platform in 26th of January, 2021. We intend to rope in about 1000 rural Enterpreneurs, brand their products and promote Internationally at first stage.


Dear Mr. Sugavanam,

Greetings from IS360 Ecosystem!

An effort to empower Startups & MSMEs from Seed stage.

We make it a point to Practice in ounces rather than preaching in Tons! Our Ecosystem consists of Mentors to handhold, Virtual platforms to connect bootstrap and to promote the produce Globally.

Its our endeavour to connect the Industry Globally and keep them updated on various aspects of Technical, Financial & Regulatory compliance and essentials. 

Our Associates, The Machine Maker nuture a huge Community of Manufacturing Industry thro their portal

Mr. Hari Shankar's Friday Industry Discussion with stalwarts and Mentors has a strong following of 3000 plus Enterpreneurs. Please have a look at

As a team, we are now planning to take this to next level and Organize Virtual Summits and use it as e2e connect. We intend to conduct our first event in February with FMI as the key domain to educate Business Community. 

As a leading player in MSME sector we invite you to participate as a tittle Sponsors orbany which way you feel fit. We can provide our hybrid platform to connect at least 250 plus delegates interactively. As a testimony, please have a look at the expo here - 

 This event had 5000 plus live Participants on 23rd if December 2020 during a VCs - Startups Pitch day event, with panelists from different parts of the World.

While on the subject, I propose a Bankers - Enterpreneurs meet to Educate the need of Financial Support at each stage of Enterprise journey. I.e Seed stage to Exit stage. As a mentor, I strongly feel, it's the basic excercise every banker should do with their customer.

Please let me have your thoughts!


Best Regards,

Parthasarathy Iyengar,

Founder and CEO


Ph - 7410010020


Dear Mr. Sugavanam,

Greetings from IS360 Ecosystem!

An effort to empower Startups & MSMEs from Seed stage.

We make it a point to Practice in ounces rather than preaching in Tons! Our Ecosystem consists of Mentors to handhold, Virtual platforms to connect bootstrap and to promote the produce Globally.

The recently concluded IS360 Startup Expo is a small testimony. We tried to connect Startups, from Student Enterpreneurs to Growth level, to showcase their capabilities and interact with Venture Capitalist from India and UK.

A brief review is available at

Statistics from Google put the attendance at a record 9731 views. Thanks to the alround efforts of our Partners, Ecargolog headed by their founder Mr. Ravi.

Please have a look at the expo here -

To empower Rural Enterpreneurs, especially Women, we are now launching, Kalaam Bazar, our  Virtual Flea Market, with an integrated Woocommerce platform in 26th of January, 2021. We intend to rope in about 1000 rural Enterpreneurs, brand their products and promote Internationally at first stage.

We seek your support to come in as Banking partners to come in as Banking Partners and identify deserving candidates for Micro Financing, Savings and Insurance as well. 

Depending on the success story, we intend to replicate the model across India, with a target of 1.0 lakh Enterpreneurs from Rural India.

Looking forward to hearing from you in this direction with detailed road map and guidelines


Best Regards,

Parthasarathy Iyengar,

Founder and CEO


Ph - 7410010020


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