Upma Democracy ЁЯФеЁЯЩП ```Upma used to be served everyday in a hostel of 100 inmates. Out of 100 students 80 students complained to give different tiffin every day. But, 20 students were happy to eat Upma everyday. 80 students wanted to have something other than Upma.


Upma Democracy ЁЯФеЁЯЩП

```Upma used to be served everyday in a hostel of 100 inmates. Out of 100 students 80 students complained to give different tiffin every day. 

But, 20 students were happy to eat Upma everyday. 80 students wanted to have something other than Upma.

With great confusion to come to a conclusion, the warden arranged for voting. Which ever tiffin gets majority, that tiffin will be made.

20 students who wanted Upma voted Promptly. Out of remaining 80 students voted as per their taste.

18: Masala Dosa

16: Aloo Parota & Dahi

14: Roti & Sabji

12: Bread & Butter

10: Noodles

10: Idli Sambar

So, as per the voting pattern & Majority, Upma was Continued. 

Lesson: As long as 80% of the Population looks around, Selfish , Divided & Scattered , 20% Rules Us.

It's a Good Lesson.```

*_People's Mindset_*


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