*Check New York Times view about PM Modi :* *Joseph Hope, Editor-in-Chief of the New York Times:* *Narendra Modi's sole aim is to make India a better Country. If he is not stopped, in the future, India will become the most Powerful Nation in the World.. It will surprise even the USA, the United Kingdom, and Russia..Japan.*


*Check New York Times  view about PM Modi :*

*Joseph Hope, Editor-in-Chief of the New York Times:*

*Narendra Modi's sole aim is to make India a better Country. If he is not stopped, in the future, India will become the most Powerful Nation in the World.. It will surprise even  the USA, the United Kingdom, and Russia..Japan.*

*Narendra Modi is moving towards a specific goal. No one knows what he wants to do....and his intentions, strategy, cannot be predicted.*

*Behind the Smiling face, he is a dangerous Patriot. He uses all the Countries of the world for the benefit of his Nation......India.*

*First he destroyed US ties with Pakistan and Afghanistan.*

*Next Narendra Modi has created an alliance with Vietnam, shattered China’s Superpower dream and made use of the three Countries.*


*The long-running dispute over oil extraction overseas between Vietnam and China has benefited India. With India's support, Vietnam began producing Oil in China's Southern Seas.*

*Vietnam now supplies all of its Oil to India. The United States has different support for this. He made Pakistan a poor Country without going into a war.*

*He brought the Port of Iran under his control.*

*He has set up an Indian Military base on the border with Afghanistan, very close to the area that divides Pakistan.*

*In order to increase Indian trade, he has also built a route through Iran (leaving Pakistan) to Afghanistan.*

*Narendra Modi’s desires are going Up one by one. Sections 370 and 35A have been repealed.*

*In Asia, this man who finished China and the United States, has  cancelled the SAARC Summit and shown his power to the World.. Narendra Modi has succeeded in maintaining India's superiority over Asia..*

*He made UAE fine the Foreign minister of Pakistan on landing in UAE & sent the minister back. Malaysia took over a Pakistan airplane to recover debts owed by Pakistan.*

*Russia and Japan, 2 of Asia's Major Powers, have done nothing to say.*

*What he would ask was, "I'll take it.. You have Hair in your Mouth," and tease China's Vietnam issue..*

*Nothing can be done by China. This person is taking Indian Politics to a totally different level.*

*Many Countries think and act as if each Country has many Enemies.. But India has no Enemies other than Pakistan. India is almost certain to be a friend to all Countries of the world.*


*In all negotiations with all Countries, this person's Honesty must be taken into account.*

*India's progress will be difficult for the rest of the World.*

*With the current astounding growth of India, all the Countries in the United Nations will experience the consequences..!*


*Great article, tells you what NO media in India will speak about the achievement of Modi and his foriegn policy.*


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