Chiranjeevi.Sivaraman--Sowbhagyavathi Srividya, dampathi (both advocates) have generously donated their LIVING OWN HOUSE to Sri Mahaperiava Trust, Mylapore,for building Sri Mahaperiava temple. The 2 storied large & fairly new house is next to Caterer Chellappa's house in Pichu pillai street.


*Noble couple donate their residence for Maha periyava Temple in Mylapore.* 

 Chiranjeevi.Sivaraman--Sowbhagyavathi Srividya, dampathi (both advocates) have generously donated their LIVING OWN HOUSE to Sri Mahaperiava Trust, Mylapore,for building Sri Mahaperiava temple. The 2 storied large & fairly new house is next to Caterer Chellappa's house in Pichu pillai street.

Sri.Sivaraman is a 4th generation advocate. His father, grand father, & great grandfather Pazhayavalam Sivarama Iyer were famous advocates.  To donate the only house in which they are living right now requires a lofty heart. His ancestry is known for dhaanam & dharmam for generations.  He has completed Veda Adhyayanam of all the 82 prasnams (aseethi dwayam) in Krishna Yajurveda. He also performed Nithya Srardham for 365 days to his father who passed away 4 yrs ago. Sow.Srividya is the great great grand daughter of Paruthiyur Periava (Brahmasri Krishna Sastrigal). What a blessed couple! Their 2 beautiful young daughters are doing CA articleship.No need to mention Sri Mahaperiava роХூро░ைропை рокிроЪ்роЪுрог்роЯு роХொроЯ்роЯுро╡ா to their family in the days to come.

Unmindful absolutely of any expectations the enviable dampathi have done this great deed. 

Even though I do not at all hv any connection with their dhaanam, the very thought of their large heart makes me overwhelmingly humble.  

I humbly request all to shower their blessings on the enviable young dampathi Chi.Sivaraman, & Sow.Srividya for their exemplary devotion to Nadamadum deivam. 


 picture attached


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