Four things changed this Republic Day of Bharat and this is historic.* 1. Musical Tune of Beating Retreat ceremony changed from *“Abide with me”* written by Audrey Assad to *“Aye Mere Watan Ke Logo”* written by Bhartiya Poet Pradeep.


*Four things changed this Republic Day of Bharat and this is historic.*

1. Musical Tune of Beating Retreat ceremony changed from *“Abide with me”* written by Audrey Assad to *“Aye Mere Watan Ke Logo”* written by Bhartiya Poet Pradeep. 

2. Statue of Netaji Shubhash Chandra Bose will be placed at Canopy nearby India Gate where King George V used to be placed till 1965 (18 years since Independence) .

3. Republic Day Celebration will now be of 5 days starting 23rd January instead of 24th January till 27th January in order to include Netaji Birthday in the celebrations.  On this Birthday (125th Birthday) PM Modi will be placing Netaji's hologram at canopy till a Granite Statue is ready.

4. Eternal Flame of Amar Jawan Jyoti is combined and shifted to rightful location of National War Memorial along with War Memorial Flame. This Flame actually started in 1972 after 25 years of Independence and for 7 decades we can’t even build our own memorial. Now National War Memorial has been built.. Hence it is rightfully moved. 

These four changes are not just symbolic but a beacon for coming Future of Bharat. It is an answer that we are now no more oppressed but a rising power. My Best wishes to Government of Bharat to change the complete Central Vista which they already doing. These British-Built monuments and symbols must be preserved as museum but Never be used in practice. We must build our own symbols and we are building it. Soon By 2025, We will have our own epicentres and symbols. Feel the real freedom. Respect the Real Freedom Fighters and Break the shackles of Western Brainwash. Your Culture is Ancient and has Glorious History which was second to none till the invaders came. We just lagged behind in few centuries when we were looted but now its time to get back all we lost. No compromise and We will Get it back.

Also this Republic Day parade was one of the best in recent years and it showcased many symbols of Glorious Sanatan Sanskriti like the newly constructed Kashi Vishwanath corridor and ancient seat of learning like Takshila highlighting the glory of Sanatan 

For the first time ever there was aerial view telecast of more than 70 planes in air show 

The Rashtrapati Bodyguard horse was given an emotional Vidai 

*Vande Mataram. ЁЯЩП* 

*ЁЯЗоЁЯЗ│ Jai Hind ЁЯЗоЁЯЗ│*


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