Aalayam Kaappom invite you all to a talk of Mr. T R Ramesh on 17.02.2022 at Topic: அரசு கையில் ஆலயங்கள் Venue: Gopalapuram Boys' Higher Secondary School , Conron Smith Rd, Ganapathy Colony, Gopalapuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600086 Time: 6.30 PM The talk would be for an hour followed by Q & A. Mr. T R Ramesh will talk about several of the following issues: அறநிலையத்துறை சட்டத்தால் கோவில்கள் எப்படி பாதிக்க படுகிறது, ஆலயங்களை ஏன் அரசிடமிருந்து மீட்க வேண்டும், ஆலயங்களை மீட்பதில் கோவில் குழுக்கள் எத்தகைய பங்காற்ற முடியும் We request all to attend as that will give insights to the way we can contribute to liberating our temples.


Dear All, 

Aalayam Kaappom invite you all to a talk of Mr. T R Ramesh on 17.02.2022 at 

Topic:  அரசு கையில் ஆலயங்கள்

Venue: Gopalapuram Boys' Higher Secondary School , Conron Smith Rd, Ganapathy Colony, Gopalapuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600086

Time: 6.30 PM

The talk would be for an hour followed by Q & A.  Mr. T R Ramesh will talk about several of the following issues:

அறநிலையத்துறை சட்டத்தால்  கோவில்கள் எப்படி பாதிக்க படுகிறது, 

ஆலயங்களை ஏன் அரசிடமிருந்து மீட்க வேண்டும், 

ஆலயங்களை மீட்பதில் கோவில் குழுக்கள் எத்தகைய பங்காற்ற முடியும்

We request all to attend as that will give insights to the way we can contribute to liberating our temples.

For further details contact Sugavanam Ji 9176244989 sugavanam.mobile@gmail.com 8825518608

Mr. T R Ramesh is one of the handful of people who has been fighting single-handedly for the cause of temples for the last 15 years.  He has filed many cases against HR & CE atrocities.  To name a few, he was a key person who worked with Mr. Subramanian Swamy in Chidambaram Case, he filed a case against the Jewel melting, against using temple money to open colleges, against the illegal appointment of Executive Officers in temples.  Even Senior Lawyers take his inputs.  It would not be an exaggeration to say that if our temples are still surviving, it is due to a few people like Mr. T R Ramesh.  Despite his busy schedule, he has agreed to address Aalayam Kaappom team.

For further details contact Sugavanam Ji 9176244989 sugavanam.mobile@gmail.com 8825518608


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