* Greatness of Hindu philosophies on western eminencies look. Have you ever read these Western philosophers: * ---------------------------------------------- 1. Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910): * Hindus and Hindutva will one day rule the world, because this is a combination of knowledge and wisdom.


* Greatness of Hindu  philosophies on western  eminencies look.

 Have you ever read these Western philosophers: *


1. Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910): *

Hindus and Hindutva will one day rule the world, because this is a combination of knowledge and wisdom.

2. Herbert Wells (1846 - 1946): *

Until the effectiveness of Hindutva is restored, how many generations will suffer atrocities and life will be cut off, then one day the entire world will be attracted to it, on that day there will be Dilshad and on that day the world will be inhabited.

3. Albert Einstein (1879-1955): *

I understand that through his intelligence and awareness he did that which the Jews could not do. In Hinduism it is the power that can lead to peace.

4. * Huston Smith (1919): *

The faith which is upon us and this is better than us in the world, then it is Hindutva. If we open our hearts and minds for it, then it will be good for us.

5. * Michael Nostradamus (1503 - 1566): *

Hindutva will become the ruler religion in Europe, but the famous city of Europe will become the Hindu capital.

6. Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970): *

I read Hinduism and realized that it is for the religion of all the world and all mankind. Hindutva will spread throughout Europe and in Europe, big thinkers of Hinduism will emerge. One day it will come that Hindus will be the real stimulus of the world. .

7. Gosta Lobon (1841 - 1931): *

Hindus speak of peace and reconciliation. I invite Christians to appreciate the faith of reform.

8. Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950): *

The entire world will accept Hindu religion one day and if it can not even accept the real name it will accept it by name only. West will accept Hindutva one day and Hindu will be the religion of those who have studied in the world .

9. * Johann Geith (1749 - 1832): *

We all have to accept Hinduism now or later and this is the real religion. If I say no to Hindu, I will not feel bad, I accept this right thing.

* Plz share to all ur links *


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