Here are some of the surprising facts about the Northeast. 1. There are *eight states* in Northeast: Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura, Sikkim, Nagaland. 2. There are nearly *220 languages* spoken in the Northeast, It is a mix of Tibetan, South-east Asian and East Indian Cultures.


*Know the treasure Land of Bharatha Matha*

               *NORTH EAST INDIA* 


          Arunachal  Pradesh Governor *P B Acharya* said, "Indians know more about the US than about  the Northeast".

          He made a valid point - very few of us know enough about the Northeast.

          Here are some of the surprising facts about the Northeast.

          1.     There are *eight states* in Northeast: Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura, Sikkim, Nagaland.

          2.     There are nearly *220 languages* spoken in the Northeast, It is a mix of Tibetan, South-east Asian and East Indian Cultures.

          3.     Northeast is the only part of India that the *Mughal Empire could not  conquer*.

          4.     The *Ahom Dynasty*, which ruled the Northeast for 600 years, is the longest unbroken Dynasty in Indian history.

          5.     The world's largest river island, the *Majuli* and the world's smallest river island, *Umananda* both are in the Northeast.

          6.     *Seven prominent National Parks* of India are located in Northeast.

          7.     *Shillong* is considered as the Rock Capital of India.

          8.     *Mawsynram* in Meghalaya holds the Guinness World Record for being the Wettest Place on Earth.

          9.     *Sualkuchi* in Assam is one of the World's largest weaving villages where the entire population is engaged in weaving Silk Fabrics.

          10.    *Muga*, the Golden Silk of Assam, is not produced anywhere else in the World.

          11.    It is the cleanest region in India. *Mawlynnong* in Meghalaya is the cleanest village in *entire Asia*.

          12.    70% of the country's *Orchids* are found in Northeast.

          13.    Mizoram and Tripura are among the states with the highest *Literacy* rate in India.

          14.    There is *no Dowry* culture in entire Northeast.

          15.    Sikkim is the first state in the world where 100% of its agro produce is organic and certified so. Sikkim won the Future Policy Award 2018, beating 51 nominated policies from 25 countries, according to a statement. Policies from Brazil, Denmark and Quito (Ecuador) bagged silver awards.

          The award is co-organised by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the World Future Council (WFC) and IFOAM – Organics International

          Kindly spread this information to all your contacts to help develop awareness of the Northeast part of India further.


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