*A woman who is working in the Indian Embassy in Germany wrote about Modiji in a post like this !* She wrote .........


*A woman who is working in the Indian Embassy in Germany wrote about Modiji in a post like this !* 

She wrote .........

When former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh came to Germany, he brought around 40 people with him who were his relatives. 

A total of five hotels (all Five-Star) were booked for their stay.

All the relatives shopped in expensive Malls every day and bought things for lakhs  nd lakhs of Rupees.

The bills were charged in the name of the entire State Department. 

This was the daily story throughout the currency of Manmohan Singh's tour 

The entire Indian-staff servant of the State Department used to dance in front of them all. 

Manmohanji did not come to the Embassy even once or met us. 

Now when Modiji came to Germany twice as Prime Minister, the entire staff was expecting the same show again. 

But I'm surprised he came all alone! 

There is no army of relatives. 

So only one floor of a hotel was fully booked for reasons of Security & Safety. 

There is no shopping in the Malls 

They are busy with work fulltime. 

The Embassy staff was not allowed to do the chamchagiri; 

Rather, the staff continued to carry out the day-to-day tasks of their office. 

In fact, we were so busy collecting all the data and putting it in the file folder that we could not go home for three days. 

Despite his busy schedule, Modiji took some time out and came to the Embassy and gave credit to everyone for making the visit a success and they all had a cup of tea with him. 

This is an introduction to a great person! 

Friends, After years, you have got an honest Prime Minister, Respect him; 

Teach them a lesson by defeating the opposition that degrades them every time and save the country. 

ЁЯЪй *Bharat Mata Ki Jai* ЁЯЪй

*Only people who like Honesty like it.*


  1. Our beloved PM Narendra Modi ji, see the letter written by the Embassy staff about his recent visit to Germany ЁЯЗйЁЯЗк. Notice the contrast between the previous PM and the present PM is remarkable.we in ЁЯЗоЁЯЗ│ are blessed to have such a honest PM in particular and ЁЯМО globally in General

  2. Can you publish the name of the woman and the link to the original article she wrote and who verified that. Note I am a fan of Modi, but this statement is substantiated anywhere


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