Hello Chennai ! Chennai is the only city in India which will have 3 international ports, Chennai port, Ennore port, third one coming up at kaattupalli. Chennai is the only city where ROYAL ENFIELD bikes are manufactured, in the world.


Hello Chennai ! 

Chennai is the only city in India which will have 3 international ports, Chennai port, Ennore port, third one coming up at kaattupalli.

Chennai is the only city where ROYAL ENFIELD bikes are manufactured, in the world.

Chennai has the longest beach in india, 12kms urban beach, 2nd longest in the world.

Chennai is the only city which houses a national park within city limits. The Guindy national park.

Chennai is the only city which has three rivers flowing through it, adai aaru(adayar), coovum aaru, kottralai(kosasthalai) aaru. Aaru — river.

Chennai's Old Mahabalipuram Road is the single largest IT corridor in india.

Chennai is the single largest automobile manufacturer in Asia. Fondly called the Detroit of Asia.

Chennai is the 2nd city in the world to become a municipal corporation next to London, in the year 1688.

Chennai houses the largest bus terminus in Asia at koyambedu.

Chennai is the birth place of 'Chicken 65' @ Hotel Buhari.

Chennai has the largest library in Asia, Arignar Anna centenary library.

Chennai's vandalur zoo is the largest zoo in India.

Chennai's Guindy engineering college the oldest in india, 1794.

Two of the top ten engineering colleges in India located in a single road, IIT Madras, CEG(college of engineering — Guindy/Guindy engineering college), at Sardar Patel road, Chennai.

Chennai houses the oldest shopping mall in India, Spencer plaza, 1863.

Oldest human habitat, in the world found at Athirambakkam, Chennai

The Madras High court is the world's second largest court complex.

Chennai is the only Indian city attacked during world war.

Chennai, city of flyovers, largest number of flyovers in india.

Kathipara flyover, is the largest clover leaf flyover in Asia.

Chennai is the Indian city with most number of foreign visitors annually.

Chennai is the health capital of India, with most number of foreign and domestic foot falls.

Chennai has the highest number of Grandmasters in chess.

Royapuram railway station, is the oldest functioning railway station in india.

Integral Coach Factory(ICF), Chennai is the world's largest rail coach manufacturer.

Madras Medical college, the oldest medical college and oldest hospital in india, 1664.

The first ever flight in Asia flew in and around Chennai, 1910.

Oragadam is the largest automobile hub in South Asia, with 22 Fortune 500 companies.

Chennai has the highest number of cinema theatres in India. Quite obvious, Tamil film industry has given 4 Chief ministers to the state.

Chennai has the oldest race tracks in india, both horse race, motor race(obviously, being the auto capital of Asia).

Madras school of art is the oldest fine arts institute in india(1850).

Higginbothams, Mount road, chennai is the oldest book store in India(1844).

EID parry, chennai is the oldest company in India (1780).

MRF, chennai is the largest tyre manufacturer in india.

Madras regiment is the oldest infantry regiment of Indian army(1750).

AVM studio is the oldest surviving film production house in India.

St. George's Anglo Indian higher secondary school is the oldest school in India(1715).

Chennai is also the only city in the world where all forms of surface transport are manufactured... From bicycles, 2 wheelers, cars, trucks, armored personal carriers, locomotives, railway coaches, main battle tanks... the entire range of surface transport. Not even Detroit can boast of this wide range of surface transport.


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