Why we need RO? RO purifier removes good vitamin and minerals... I do agree... But in many places in Tamil Nadu, only poisonous chemicals are present in Tamil Nadu... To remove poisonous chemicals like in Ranipet, Ramanathapuram, Tuticorin and other areas, mostly many areas in Tamil Nadu surely have poisonous chemicals... RO is very much essential to remove poisonous chemicals...


Why we need RO?

RO purifier removes good vitamin and minerals... I do agree...

But in many places in Tamil Nadu, only poisonous chemicals are present in Tamil Nadu...

To remove poisonous chemicals like in Ranipet, Ramanathapuram, Tuticorin and other areas, mostly many areas in Tamil Nadu surely have poisonous chemicals... RO is very much essential to remove poisonous chemicals...

Body required vitamins and minerals we can get from fruits and vegetables if you eat them...

If you eat mutton and only fried items, you can't get vitamins and minerals...

Buttermilk is great source of natural bacterias and yeast required by our body....

How many of us drink butter milk daily? I drink butter milk 2 to 3 times in a daily...

I never tasted liquor and TASMAC... Teetotaller...

Goodness of RO purifier is more than its badness...

It's a myth that we should not use RO PURIFIER...

We must use RO PURIFIER in Chennai because you can't drink boar water or corporation water without RO PURIFIER IN CHENNAI...

Hence RO PURIFIER is very much essential in Chennai and Tamil Nadu which is having highly polluted water in many places in Tamil Nadu...

Corporation water has very high content of poisonous chemicals like chlorine which is used to kill bacteria in corporation water...

RO purifier only saves many life Tamil Nadu and other places in India ЁЯФеЁЯЩП

There are wrong information and wrong articles about RO PURIFIER...

Please install RO PURIFIER and live safe in Tamil Nadu and India ЁЯФеЁЯЩП

I am not a RO PURIFIER dealer or manufacturer...ЁЯШКЁЯШКЁЯФеЁЯЩПЁЯЗоЁЯЗ│


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