We are pleased to share that World Trade Center Mumbai in association with World Trade Centers Association, New York is organsing an international trade show - ‘Connect India 2022’. This international trade show will include an online exhibition and networking business meetings from August 1 – November 30, 2022


Dear Sir/Madam,


Greetings from World Trade Center Mumbai!


We are pleased to share that World Trade Center Mumbai in association with World Trade Centers Association, New York is organsing an international trade show - ‘Connect India 2022’. This international trade show will include an online exhibition and networking business meetings from August 1 – November 30, 2022. Copy of the flyer is attached for your information.


‘Connect India 2022’ aims to provide an interactive platform to promote investment and business opportunities for World Trade Centers, Governments, and Companies in India and overseas. This will immensely benefit MSMEs, exporters, and importers to expand their business horizons with the ultimate objective to promote international trade. The focus sectors include Agro & Agro-processing, Auto components, Engineering, Pharma & Healthcare, Renewable Energy, Technology & ICT, Telecom, and Home Decor & Textiles. The online exhibition aims to host over 10+ Country pavilions, 500+ international companies, and 1000+ networking meetings.


We invite your esteemed organization to participate at this international trade show. Please note that there are no participation charges for this event.


Following are the benefits of participating in the trade show:


Showcase products and services to the participating delegates

Opportunity to test the products/ services in the marketplace

Create a brand visibility of your company and explore partnership  opportunities, joint ventures and franchises with international companies

A platform to network with potential technology partners, exporters, importers, dealers, suppliers, financial institutions and other stakeholders from across 10 Countries including India

Understanding the significance of competitiveness to integrate MSMEs in global markets

First hand information on transfer of technology, better human resource practice improved productivity and success stories of MSME


For registration, please log on to www.wetrade.org/connectindia  or email us at connectindia@wetrade.org Tel: 91-22-6638 7346/79/80 for additional information.


We look forward to your confirmation and thank you in anticipation. 


Best regards,


Rupa Naik | Executive Director

MVIRDC World Trade Center Mumbai

31st Floor, Center 1, World Trade Center, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai

www.wtcmumbai.org I www.wetrade.org


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