We have booked International Cruise 8 days Tour to Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia from 14-Jan-2023 to 21-Jan-2023


We have booked International Cruise 8 days Tour to Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia from 14-Jan-2023 to 21-Jan-2023.

The Tour plan, Itenary is as below:

Sokhna Port 2023-01-14 12:00AM 2023-01-14 09:00PM

Safaga 2023-01-15 09:00AM 2023-01-15 08:00PM

Aqaba 2023-01-16 08:00AM 2023-01-16 11:00PM

At Sea 2023-01-17 12:00AM 2023-01-17 12:00AM

Jeddah 2023-01-18 06:00AM 2023-01-18 08:00PM

Yanbu Al Bahr, Saudi Arabia 2023-01-19 07:00AM 2023-01-19 10:00PM

At Sea 2023-01-20 12:00AM 2023-01-20 12:00AM

Sokhna Port 2023-01-21 06:00AM 2023-01-21 12:00AM

1. Sokhna Port - near Cairo Egypt:


Sokhna (cairo),egypt Cruise Port

Ain Sokhna is warm-weathered and scenic port located on the Gulf of Suez’s western shore of the Red Sea. Port Sokhna is about 75 miles east of Cairo and is the major center of commerce on the Suez Canal’s southern entrance. It services the gulf’s oil and gas fields and exports petroleum from the many factories in the region. Other exports include: sugar, ceramics, and ammonia. In the last twenty years, archeologists discovered that the area once had an ancient Egyptian port and settlement and have been studying the materials and other findings ever since. Another great find lies nearby in the Eastern Desert. Saint Anthony’s is the world’s oldest functioning monastery and honors the saint credited with founding monasticism, or monkhood in general. The monastery is almost completely restored and isn’t far from the equally, wonderfully-restored monastery of Saint Paul. The town is full of great beaches, perfect for viewing the coral reef, dolphins, and various fish.

Next to a windmill farm, the Infinity Kitesurfing Center is a brilliantly sandy lagoon with beautiful water that acts as an ideal spot for kite-surfers of all ages.


The Egypt Shore Excursion Tours are a knowledgeable and safe way to experience the touristy parts of Egypt including the pyramids and Cairo Museum. The helpful employees will pick you up at your hotel and guide you the entire way.


Egypt Sunmarine offers fast-paced and exciting excursions around the nearby waters. Whether by yacht or submarine, these tours really explore the naturalistic side of Egypt.


Kids and adults alike will enjoy TEDA Fun Valley, Egypt’s first dinosaur park. Besides the stunning dinosaur replicas, the park also has an automotive and candy world.

2. Safaga Port, Egypt

Safaga is a Red Sea cruise port in Egypt, not particularly attractive but is the main gateway for ocean cruise ship tourists to Upper Egypt and Nile River Valley. On shore excursions (bus travel across the desert) is reached Luxor (Karnak). A 164 km (102 mi) long paved road connects Safaga to Qena. Port Safaga also connects (via ferries) Egypt with Saudi Arabia (Port Duba).


Ancient Egyptians called Safaga "Weset", ancient Greeks called it "Thebes". During 18th and 19th dynasties, the city reached its height and its population soared to around 1 million.

Safaga as seaport was founded in 3rd century BC under the name Philotera. Current-day Safaga is a major therapeutic tourism destination for international customers. Local tourism industry specializes mainly in Red Sea scuba diving.

3. Aqaba Port, Jordan

Aqaba is Jordan's only coastal city, seaport, most populous and largest city. It is located in southernmost Jordan and has a population of around 190,000. The ancient city was called Ayla. Port Aqaba is also the cruise port to Petra - an ancient city and a major archaeological site in the Jabal Al-Madbah mountain.

Port's strategic location at the northeastern end of the Red Sea (between Africa and Asia) and its proximity to copper mines made Aqaba (originally named Ayla) a regional hub for copper production and trade. Following the Islamic conquest (around 600 AD), Ayla was renamed to Aqaba. The location next to Petra and Wadi Rum (Valley of the Moon) made Aqaba Jordan's primary tourism hub. The city is administered by Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority, which turned it into a duty-free zone, low-tax city, and a major Red Sea cruise and travel destination


4. Yanbu Al-Bahr, Saudi Arabia

Yanbu Al-Bahr (aka just Yanbu/Yambo) is a Red Sea cruise port and large city in Saudi Arabia's Al Madinah Province, with population around 190,000 (municipality population around 250,000). Yanbu is approx 300 km (185 mi) northwest of Jeddah (the country's largest seaport and the cruise port to Mecca and Medina). Many Yanbu residents are foreign workers serving the nearby oil refineries and petrochemical facilities.

Port Yanbu is a major petroleum shipping terminal (serving three oil refineries) and also Saudi Arabia's second-largest seaport (after Jeddah). Yanbu is also a cruise port to the holy city Medina (Al Madinah Al Munawwarah) located approx 165 km (100 mi) to the east, The Yanbu-Medina travel time is ~1,5 hours. Three major oil pipelines (from the oilfields in the east) terminate at Yanbu.


5. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Port Jeddah (officially "Jeddah Islamic Port") is a Red Sea cruise port, Saudi Arabia's largest seaport, the second-largest Arabian/Middle East port (after Dubai's Port Jebel Ali) and the world's 36th largest (by annual cargo shipping volumes). Jeddah is the cruise port to the holy for all the Muslims cities Mecca (Makkah al-Mukarramah, approx 65 km/40 mi to the east) and Medina (Al Madinah Al Munawwarah, approx 360 km/220 mi to the north).

Through the 1976-founded Jeddah Islamic Port are handled most of Saudi Arabia's imports (65%), including over half of the containerized cargoes. The seaport occupies a total area 12 km2 (4,6 mi2) and currently has 62 operational berths (deepwater quays with max-draft 16 m/53 ft) and overall quay length 11,2 km (7 mi). Port Jeddah can handle most of the world's largest container carriers (ULCVs/Ultra-Large Container Vessels with max cargo capacity 20,000 TEU-containers).



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