Intellectual’s Humour* Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, a great Teacher, Philosopher and former President of India in whose honour Teachers' Day is celebrated, was an exceptionally “witty man”..!!


*Intellectual’s Humour*

Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, a great Teacher, Philosopher and former President of India in whose honour Teachers' Day is celebrated, was an exceptionally “witty man”..!!

The King of Greece came to India on a State visit. 

President Radhakrishnan welcomed him at the Palam Airport.

. “Your Majesty.. you are the first King of Greece to come to India “on invitation..”!!

The last time, Alexander, the Great, “came uninvited.”


Gandhiji : Don’t drink Milk which is the essence of Beef.

Radhakrishnan : “In that case,  we all are Cannibals. For, we drink our Mother’s Milk, which again is the essence of Human Flesh.”


Winston Churchill while having a cup of Tea said to Dr. Radhakrishnan: 

*Sugar is the only English word where "s" is pronounced as "sh"* ..!!

Dr. quipped : *"Are you sure?"*


Once Winston Churchill hosted a State Banquet in honor of Dr. Radhakrishnan who washed his hands before eating and used his hands for having the food while Churchill used Spoons and Forks..!!

Churchill could not stop himself from advising Dr. Radhakrishnan to use Spoon and Fork saying that they were more hygienic.

ЁЯСЙ *Dr. Radhakrishnan replied..“*

Since nobody can use my hand to eat, my hand is more hygienic than any Spoon or Fork you use”..!!ЁЯШКЁЯШК

On one of his travels aborad, Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan was asked a question by a member in the audience.

”What’s the difference between a Station Master and a School Master..!!! ?”

The question was irrelevant and bordering on impertinent, too..!!

However, this brilliant gentleman replied calmly...

”While a Station Master minds the Train, a School Master trains the mind..!!” ЁЯШКЁЯСН


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