Website - *An introduction to Sattvik Council of India* Who We Are? An introduction to Sattvik Council of India


_*Wow Modiji.. brought Sattvik Certification in front of Halal certification...*_

_"It is the biggest challenge to understand Modiji's & his trusted teams' working policy."_

You must have heard "Halal Certified" a lot, but *"Satvik Certified"* of *"Sattvik Council"* have you ever heard!

 Yes, the Government of India has constituted a "Sattvik Council" which is issuing "Sattvik Certificate" like "Halal Certificate".  This means that now in India, wherever or whatever product has the level of "Sattvik Certified", it will be guaranteed that only pure sattvik things will be found at that place and there will be no name of non-vegetarian food in that place or in that product.....

 And first of all the level of "Sattvik Certified"* "Sattvik Certified" pure vegetarian food is being given to the Ministry of Railways, Government of India, in the trains running on all the routes of the country's famous train *"Vande Bharat" Express*.*

Website -

*An introduction to Sattvik Council of India*

Who We Are?

An introduction to Sattvik Council of India

Sattvik Council of India is the “WORLD’S FIRST VEGETARIAN” food safety and regulatory compliance for vegetarian and allied adherents. It came up with an ideology to take initiative and create a Food Safety Environment especially for the vegetarian’s consumers of India and global markets by creating SOPs in all applicable areas potential for guaranteeing 100% Vegetarian environment and further transforming Sattvik Certification into education and training of the personnel for establishing a robust food safety and quality system. Sattvik India has designed the standards that standardize claims and defines vegetarianism in the most robust and credible way that it sets out the highest standards to ensure vegetarian consumers have confidence and is awarded transparency and authenticity that is currently demanded by the market.

Sattvik Certification in a modern day furnish food safety regulation and Quality Management System to the vegetarian consumers which is developed on sound scientific and hard core vedic ancient principles to protect consumers from risks of food borne illness and death. Adopting industry-leading best practices, food safety regulations are getting increasingly outcome-based and transparent.

We at the SCI always visualize the potential and importance of quality certification, specialized for the vegetarian societies of the world & aims at meeting the consumers’ expectations by providing ‘safe food supply’, capable enough to meet the basic quality and safety standards and requirements referring to food hygiene, labeling and certification, use of food additives, limits for pesticide residues etc. The certification procedure by the Council would reinforce the consumers’ assurance and confidence in the food supply system by making a positive impact on the current food processing techniques.

Sattvik Council of India is initiating in the same direction and has the same ideology and further is working with Government of India and other Governments around the world to promote the Cause.


Sattvik Conception was started way back in early 2008-09, when the food industry, especially the food processing sector was going under a big revolution, which started in the early 2000s and gained its peak during that time. The supply chain was becoming a better and prominent part of the food sector, the trend for processed and packed food items was seen with huge market demand. Many MNC’s were investing their resources and coming up with new formats in the food segment, with help of advanced technology and cold supply chain even perishable food items such as milk and milk products, juices, fruits, and fruit derivate, meat products, etc., Which have a shelf of 3-4 days were available at any part of the world at that point of time. This was the time when technology was putting a lot in the food business, and the non-vegetarian segment remained a point of interest for different certification agencies due to food preferences at that time. Everybody was concerned for food safety and quality majorly in the non-vegetarian segment. Which kept the vegetarian market untouched and neglected.

Sattvik India was constituted to serve vegetarian consumers around the globe, Mr. Abhishekk Biswas the founder of Sattvik Council of India, thought of an organization that can bring assurity for food safety in the vegetarian segment. Mr. Biswas wrote several research papers for the creation of vegetarian food standards and conducted various seminars in universities of Bangkok to create awareness about vegetarianism. Many scholars and researchers from prominent universities of Thailand joined Mr. Biswas for creating a road map that later helps in shaping the Sattvik Council of India.



I would like to express my gratitude to the many people who saw me through this project; to all those who provided support, talked things over, read, wrote, offered comments, allowed me to quote their remarks and assisted in the formation of Sattvik India Council and designing the world’s first single window vegetarian food certification program from India, by India Sattvik certification is designed keeping the 5000 years of Indian traditions, heritage and Vedas and implementing it up with modern sciences and industry, in the process of writing the manual and accumulating every information I specially thank all my research team who have dedicated contributions for the Manual and to all the researchers on board Sattvik India for their inputs that I could convert an idea into reality. At Sattvik India council, we describe food safety as large and transformative, all the global forces that define the future of food safety, Sattvik Certification will have a far-reaching impact on businesses, economies, industries, societies and individuals related to Food. We live in a world in constant motion. Goods, capital and labor are traveling globally at a faster pace than ever and moving in novel patterns. Technological innovation, including digital, is rewriting every industry including the food industry In this world, the ever-increasing acceleration of change is one of the few constants, and Sattvik India Certification would be that constant.


Until recent years, efficacy of food control system in the Indian market was found to be destabilized by the subsistence of numerous authorities, and lack of monitoring and enforcement. The Indian food laws were enacted under different ministries in India possessing varied specifications. This bewildered environment was insufficient for the enforcement of laws and regulations in the food processing industry. That is why; there was a persistence of an inadequate food safety and quality systems in India that was endangering consumers’ health.

In 2006,Government of India enacted ‘the Food Safety and Standards Act (2006) under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare that integrated the existing food laws and introduced single statute under an apex regulatory authority known as Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). This initiative by the government paved the way for an enhanced better food safety and quality control, based on the scientific standards.

In the preview of this act, Sattvik Council of India tackle this problem by providing ‘safe food supply’, capable enough to meet the basic quality and safety standards and requirements referring to food hygiene, labeling and certification, use of food additives, limits or pesticide residues etc. This can be accomplished by redefining the infrastructure, by taking inputs from all the stakeholders’ viz. private-public-people partnership in order communicate awareness, sensitization and capacity building, with special reference to potentially hazardous food items. We not only target the food manufacturing and processing industries but also micro, medium and small scale industries which are facing innumerable challenges for their survival in the main stream market. Sattvik India act as an incubator for these industries.


Food represents one of the largest globally traded commodities and can pose a major safety risk if not controlled. Sattvik Council of India aims to tackle this problem by setting a new parameters for the food safety and engaging students the pillars of nation in the same by making them educate about basic food safety practices, so as to reduce food safety risks in everyday problem

Sattvik Council of India lays special focus on creating SOPs in all applicable areas potential for guaranteeing 100% Vegetarian environment, providing GAP Analysis, training and certification, as well as providing ongoing guidance and support to senior management, and offering cost-effective methods for achieving a standard scheme.

Sattvik certification attests that a food product complies with the safety, fitness for use and/or interchangeability characteristics defined in standards, and in specifications supplementary to standards, where they are requested by the market, which is also a detailed, on site, third-party independent audit, carried out at least once per year. The purpose of this audit is to ensure that the proper systems are in place, monitored with accuracy and are effective in day-to-day operations or in times of crises. Choosing the right food safety certification, is an important decision because you will rely heavily on the expertise and recommendations provided to ensure your business is food safety compliant specially with vegetarian products and Sattvik Council of India in the only single window body to provide that as Sattvik certification.


Gopal Das Bhawan, Barakhamba Road, Delhi - 110001, INDIA

Phone: +91-11-40503001





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