While BBC spews venom against Modi on Gujarat Riots 2002, being British, it would do a lot good if they also covered about the first recorded communal riot within India which happened in 1893 in Bombay when their Majesty was ruling India. Over 100 killed & 800 seriously injured. British gave birth to Communal Riots within India and now we get sermons from BBC.


While BBC spews venom against Modi on Gujarat Riots 2002, being British, it would do a lot good if they also covered about the first recorded communal riot within India which happened  in 1893 in Bombay when their Majesty was ruling India. Over 100 killed & 800 seriously injured. British gave birth to Communal Riots within India and now  we get sermons from BBC. 

In terms of casualties, the worst ever communal riots was 1984 Anti- Sikh Riot of Delhi . Over 2733 killed. Primary accused either not charged or acquitted.

Next Big Communal Riot in terms of casualty was Nellie, Assam in 1983 where over 1819 killed.  President Rule in Assam. Indira Gandhi was PM. No SC suo- moto. No conviction. No Civil Society Activism. No Media Trial. Subsequently,Rajiv Gandhi Govt withdrew chargesheet against over 240 accused.  No BBC documentary.

In 1980 Moradabad Communal riots, over 1500 killed. No conviction. Congress Govt in U.P. VP Singh CM.

In 1989, Bhagalpur Communal Riots, over 1161 killed. Congress Govt in Bihar. SN Sinha CM. Again no BBC documentary. No Media Trial. No Civil Society Activism.

In 1993, over 872 killed in Bombay Communal Riots. Congress Govt in Maharashtra under Sudhakarrao Naik. No Civil Society Activism. No Media Trial. No BBC documentary.

In 2013, Muzaffarnagar Riots in which over 62 killed but over 50,000 families displaced. SP Govt in the state & UPA at centre.

Between 1950-1995 - 1194 documented  Communal Riots of which 73% happened during rule of JLN - IG- RG dynastic rule. 


Abovementioned figures do not include Communal Voilence and  ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits & other Hindus in J&K which began from 1986 and continues even till today. Kashmir Hindu cleansing began in 1986 under National Conference CM Ghulam Shah ( BIL of Farooq Abdullah) and then Abdullahs & Muftis. Over several thousands killed and lacs rendered homeless. 

Now coming to Gujarat State,  it had 244 documented Communal Riots between 1950-1995 where over 1601 killed.  During this period Ahmedabad city witnessed nearly 71 communal riots where over 1071 killed.

In Sep- Oct 1969 Communal Riots within Gujarat. Over 512 killed. Congress Rule in the state. CM Hitendra Desai. No conviction. No Civil Society Activism. No SC taking suo- moto cognizance. No Media Trial.

In April 1985, Ahmedabad City witnessed Communal Riot where over 300 killed. Congress Govt in the state under M S Solanki CM. Again Communal Riots erupted in Ahmedabad City in July 1986 where another 59 killed.  No  Conviction. No BBC  documentary. No Rajdharma by Congress Govt at the centre of in state.

In Dec 1992, Surat in Gujarat witnessed Communal riots where over 175 killed. Congress Govt in Gujarat under Chimanbhai Patel. No conviction. No Civil Society Activism. No documentary by BBC.

Now come to Godhara Train Burning 2002 where 59 passengers perished and subsequently Gujarat Riots where over 1100 killed. Gujarat CM Narendra Modi. 249 culprits convicted of which 184 Hindus & 65 Muslims. The first & only instance post independent India that such a large number of rioters were charged by the state Govt and convicted by the courts.

However, for nefarious reasons, anti- Modi detractors & activists of a few Civil Societies dragged the then CM Modi to several courts within India for his complicity in Gujarat Riots,   a  SIT was set-up under the Apex Court and also four commissions set-up by the Central & State Govt enquired / investigated. SIT, Enquiry Commisions, Gujarat HC & then the Apex Court did not find any evidence of the then CM Modi complicity in Gujarat Riots and dismissed all petitions  It is rather intriguing to note that BBC Dicumentary bases its narrative on three key witnesses, namely 1. Teesta Setalcad - severely reprimanded by SC for her unsubstantiated allegations against Modi and doctoring few documents. The SC observed that Teesta was exploiting witness emotions for her ulterior motives. 2. Former Gujarat DGP RB Sreekunar  who us currently AAP politician. He lies were exposed by SIT to the Apex Court.  He is the same person who arrested ISRO scientist Nambi Narayan on fake cooked-up espionage charges when IB Dy Director in Kerala. 3.Sanjiv Bhatt the currently jailed IPS officer ( imprisionment for custodial death) whose allegations were found fake by SIT & the Apex Court.

A report submitted by SIT to the court reveals that all three accepted Rs 30 lakhs from Ahmad Patel ( Ex- Congress  President  Sonia Gandhi's  Political Advisor). 

Now we know the dubious & disgraced characters behind the plot to defame & discredit PM Modi. 

PM of UK Sunak has already trashed the UK Govt report quoted by BBC to lend credence to its documentary.  Yet one more hit job of BBC misfired this time. ЁЯЩПЁЯЩП




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