Nutricharge BioAge is packed with 72 nutrients that include 53 diverse botanicals to protect and maintain liver health and remove toxins from the body by supporting liver detoxification. It also contains 10 billion probiotics that flourishes the growth of gut microbiota and promote healthy gut. A blend of 16 digestive enzymes helps improve digestion and enhances nutrient absorption.


*Nutricharge BioAge*

Liver is a powerhouse organ that performs more than 500 functions in our body. Liver health is important for proper functioning of other organs. Environmental and food toxins, poor nutrition, drinking, smoking & age have adverse effects on our liver. 

As we grow old, gut microbiota and digestive enzymes deplete in our body. This is indicated by conditions like acidity, indigestion, constipation, bloating and other ailments of the digestive system.

Nutricharge BioAge is packed with 72 nutrients that include 53 diverse botanicals to protect and maintain liver health and remove toxins from the body by supporting liver detoxification. It also contains 10 billion probiotics that flourishes the growth of gut microbiota and promote healthy gut. A blend of 16 digestive enzymes helps improve digestion and enhances nutrient absorption.

Key Features:

▫️Powerful Antioxidants

▫️Pleasant peppermint flavour

▫️72 ingredients

▫️1 prebiotic strain

▫️100% vegetarian product

▫️2 probiotic strains of 10 billion


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