International Cruise Tours Trip - Australia - inCruises Brisbane, Australia to Great Barrier Reef, Australia - Start Date 12-Nov-2023* We are very glad to inform we booked International Cruise Tours Trip from Brisbane Australia to Great Barrier Reef Australia - Queensland For further details contact Sugavanam sir, 9176244989



*International Cruise Tours Trip - Australia - inCruises Brisbane, Australia to Great Barrier Reef, Australia - Start Date 12-Nov-2023*

We are very glad to inform we booked International Cruise Tours Trip from Brisbane Australia to Great Barrier Reef Australia - Queensland

For further details contact Sugavanam sir, 9176244989

*International Cruise Tours Trip* Australia - Brisbane Cruise Tours circular Trip...

Great Barrier Reef from Brisbane, Australia

Cruise Start Date: 12-Nov-2023 

Cruise End Date: 19-Nov-2023 

Duration: 7 Days 7 Nights

From: Brisbane

Carnival Cruise Line

Carnival Luminosa


 *Brisbane* 2023-11-12 12:00AM 2023-11-12 06:00PM

At Sea 2023-11-13 12:00AM 2023-11-13 12:00AM

*Airlie Beach* 2023-11-14 12:00AM 2023-11-14 06:00PM

*Cairns* 2023-11-15 07:00AM 2023-11-15 04:00PM

*Port Douglas* 2023-11-16 07:00AM 2023-11-16 06:00PM

*Willis Island* 2023-11-17 06:00AM 2023-11-17 06:00PM

At Sea 2023-11-18 12:00AM 2023-11-18 12:00AM

*Brisbane* 2023-11-19 06:00AM 2023-11-19 12:00AM

*Brisbane*: Brisbane (/╦Иbr╔кzb╔Щn/ (listen) BRIZ-b╔Щn)[9] is the capital and most populous city of Queensland,[10] and the third-most populous city in Australia and Oceania with a population of approximately 2.6 million.[11] Brisbane lies at the centre of South East Queensland, which includes several other regional centres and cities. The central business district is situated within a peninsula of the Brisbane River about 15 km (9 mi) from its mouth at Moreton Bay.[12] Brisbane is located in the hilly floodplain of the Brisbane River Valley between Moreton Bay and the Taylor and D'Aguilar mountain ranges.[13] It sprawls across several local government areas, most centrally the City of Brisbane. The demonym of Brisbane is Brisbanite.[14][1

*Airlie Beach, Queensland*:

Airlie Beach is one of many departure points for the Great Barrier Reef. Cruise ships visit the area, anchoring offshore while passengers are transported via ship's tender to the marina.[3] Near latitude 20 degrees south, Airlie Beach, Proserpine and the nearby Whitsunday Islands enjoy a tropical climate and lifestyle.[4]

The Proserpine–Shute Harbour Road (State Route 59) passes through the locality from west to east.[5]

Each year the residents of Airlie Beach celebrate The Blessing of the Fleet on Whitsunday or Pentecost Sunday.[6]

*Cairns* (/╦Иk╔Ы╔Щrnz/, locally /╦Иk├жnz/ (listen);[note 1] Yidiny: Gimuy) is a city in Queensland, Australia,[4] on the tropical north east coast of Far North Queensland. The population in June 2019 was 153,952, having grown on average 1.02% annually over the preceding five years.[1][5][6] The city is the 5th-most-populous in Queensland, and 15th in Australia.[citation needed]

Cairns city was founded in 1876 and named after Sir William Wellington Cairns, following the discovery of gold in the Hodgkinson river.[7] Throughout the late 19th century, Cairns prospered from the settlement of Chinese immigrants who helped develop the region's agriculture. Cairns also served as a port for blackbirding ships, which crews transported slaves and indentured labourers to the sugar plantations of Innisfail.[8]

During World War II, the city became a staging ground for the Allied Forces in the Battle of the Coral Sea. By the late 20th century the city had become a centre of international tourism. In the early 21st century it has developed into a major metropolitan city.

Cairns is a popular tourist destination because of its tropical climate and access to tropical rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef, one of the seven natural wonders of the world

*Port Douglas* is a coastal town and locality in the Shire of Douglas, Queensland, Australia, about 60 km north of Cairns. At the 2016 census, Port Douglas had a population of 3,504. The city's population can often double, however, with the influx of tourists during the peak tourist season from May to September

*Willis Island* is the only permanently inhabited island in the Coral Sea Islands Territory, an external territory of Australia, located beyond the Great Barrier Reef in the Coral Sea. The island is located some 450 kilometres (280 mi) east of Cairns, Queensland. It is the southernmost of the Willis Islets, a group of three islands which with their associated sandy cays stretch in a NNE to SSW line for about 12 kilometres (7.5 mi). Willis Island itself is aligned NW to SE and is about 500 metres (1,600 ft) long by 150 metres (490 ft) wide, 7.7 hectares (19 acres) in area, rising to about 9 metres (30 ft) above sea level.

For further details contact Sugavanam sir 9176244989


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