www.oruspoon.com Oruspoon Range of Instant beverage mixes The oruspoon range of instant beverage mixes rejuvenates and re-vitalizes with every sip. Made from the best ingredients sourced from across the country, processed and packaged in our state-of-the art facility; our products are untouched by human hands till you peel open the foil and pour the contents into your cup. The unique product design keeps the contents in an air-tight environment and retains the flavor till your first sip. Oruspoon is also easy to store and carry around. Keep a few in your car, or have some ready at hand in your office desk.


Oruspoon Tomoto soup:



Oruspoon Range of Instant beverage mixes

The oruspoon range of instant beverage mixes rejuvenates and re-vitalizes with every sip. Made from the best ingredients sourced from across the country, processed and packaged in our state-of-the art facility; our products are untouched by human hands till you peel open the foil and pour the contents into your cup. The unique product design keeps the contents in an air-tight environment and retains the flavor till your first sip. Oruspoon is also easy to store and carry around. Keep a few in your car, or have some ready at hand in your office desk.

Sweet Corn Soup: A healthy alternative to satiate that between-meals hunger, sweet corn is low on calories and does not throw your diet plans off balance. The insoluble fiber in corn feeds good bacteria in your gut and aids in digestion. The oruspoon sweet corn soup has all the benefits of a healthy soup with the taste of an ideal between-meal snack.    Oruspoon INSTANT BEVERAGES. Choose from a wide range of *Teas, Coffee, Juices and Soups*. Just *ADD WATER (Hot/Cold)*. Available in SINGLE SERVE packs.


 *See Our Product Details Here*ЁЯСЙ https://digiatme.com/VERIRARE-ESSENTIAL-OILS-AND-SPICES-PRIVATE-LIMITED


 For More Details Call: +91 9840077059

 WhatsApp: 81900 60718

 Order Online: *www.oruspoon.com*

Hot and Sour Soup: Hot and sour soups are typically low in calories and are a low-fat appetizer option. A hot bowl of Hot and Sour soups is known to clear sinuses and act as an alternative for decongestants. The easy to make oruspoon Hot and Sour soup is ideal for those days with runny noses and sore throats.  Oruspoon INSTANT BEVERAGES. Choose from a wide range of *Teas, Coffee, Juices and Soups*. Just *ADD WATER (Hot/Cold)*. Available in SINGLE SERVE packs.


 *See Our Product Details Here*ЁЯСЙ https://digiatme.com/VERIRARE-ESSENTIAL-OILS-AND-SPICES-PRIVATE-LIMITED


 For More Details Call: +91 9840077059

 WhatsApp: 81900 60718

 Order Online: *www.oruspoon.com*


 Type *“YES”* if Interested

Mixed Vegetable Soup: This hearty and healthy soup provides all the healthy nutrients without adding up on the calories. A healthy mix of the choicest vegetables, this is perhaps the best way to add vegetables to your daily diet in the tastiest way possible.

Oruspoon INSTANT BEVERAGES. Choose from a wide range of *Teas, Coffee, Juices and Soups*. Just *ADD WATER (Hot/Cold)*. Available in SINGLE SERVE packs.


 *See Our Product Details Here*ЁЯСЙ https://digiatme.com/VERIRARE-ESSENTIAL-OILS-AND-SPICES-PRIVATE-LIMITED


 For More Details Call: +91 9840077059

 WhatsApp: 81900 60718

 Order Online: *www.oruspoon.com*


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