நேற்றிரவு சென்னையில் உள்ள ஒரு பிரபல திரையரங்கில் #TheKeralaStory திரைப்படத்தை நண்பர்களுடன் பார்த்தேன். அங்கு பார்த்த காட்சிகள் என்னை மெய்சிலிர்க்க வைத்ததுடன், தமிழகத்தின் எதிர்காலத்தின் மீது ஒரு புதிய நம்பிக்கையை அளிக்கிறது.


நேற்றிரவு சென்னையில் உள்ள ஒரு பிரபல திரையரங்கில் #TheKeralaStory திரைப்படத்தை நண்பர்களுடன் பார்த்தேன். அங்கு பார்த்த காட்சிகள் என்னை மெய்சிலிர்க்க வைத்ததுடன், தமிழகத்தின் எதிர்காலத்தின் மீது ஒரு புதிய நம்பிக்கையை அளிக்கிறது.

1. படத்தில் ஒரு தருணத்தில் மதம் மாற்றப்பட்டு கற்பழிக்கப்பட்ட பெண் தன் கம்யூனிஸ்ட் தந்தையை பார்த்து "சிறுவயதில் இருந்து அந்நிய கம்யூனிஸ்ட் சித்தாந்தத்தை எங்களுக்கு சொல்லிக்கொடுத்த நீங்கள், ஒரு முறையாவது நமது ஹிந்து மதம், கலாச்சாரம், பண்பாடு குறித்து சொல்லிக்கொடுத்து வளர்த்திருந்தால் இதெல்லாம் நடந்திருக்காதே அப்பா??" என நாக்கை பிடுங்குவது போல் கேட்ட போது, விண்ணை பிளக்கும் அளவிற்கு கரகோஷத்தால் திரையரங்கமே அதிர்ந்தது.

2. படம் முடிந்த பிறகு அனைவரும் எழுந்து நின்று பலத்த கரகோஷங்களை எழுப்பினர் - Standing Ovation.

தமிழகத்தை பீடித்துள்ள போலி திராவிட பாஸிஸ்டுகளின் பிடியிலிருந்து தமிழர்கள் நிச்சயம் மீண்டு விடுவார்கள் போல. உண்மைகளை மட்டும் சமரசமின்றி உரக்க மக்களிடம் கொண்டு சென்றால் போதும். மாற்றம் தானாக நிகழும்.

மக்கள் விழித்துக் கொண்டிருக்கிறார்கள். புதிய நம்பிக்கை பிறக்கிறது.

Unprecedented scenes...

Salute to # KeralaStory movie...

Jai Hind 🔥🙏

Bharath Matha Ki Jai 🔥🙏

Om NAMO Shivaya 🔥🙏

Om NAMO Narayana 🔥🙏

Om NAMO NArendra MOdi Namaha 🔥


The Kerala Story is an upcoming Indian Hindi-language film directed by Sudipto Sen, produced by Vipul Amrutlal Shah, and written by Sen and Shah with Suryapal Singh.[1] The plot follows four women from Kerala who are converted to Islam for recruitment to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). The film stars Adah Sharma, Yogita Bihani, Sonia Balani, and Siddhi Idnani.[2]


Please see more information in Wikipedia:



This year 4 films are coming 

We all should watch all these 4 films and also encourage others to watch all 4 films

1) The Kerela files - Kerala Story -

Showing the truth of Kerala 

Releasing on May 

2) The Diary of West Bengal - showing what’s happening under Mamta Govt 

3) Vaccine War - Showing how the opposition party had tried to stop not make vaccine in India releasing in September 

4) *** And the 4th one is the most important one *** it’s about 2024 Election  film shows

How The foreign country’s and foreign organizations trying to destroy India

How these corrupt politicians support agendas of destroying their own county and how they divide people on caste and religious basis, this film most probably will break all the records 

I take oath and promise that I will watch all these 4 films and also encourage others to watch as well.

Will you also promise ??????? 

Pl reply...  from me...         Yes ... I do watch and promote to friends circle ...encouraging them to watch too...with their kith and kins...🤟😌

போலியான காதல் வலையில் வீழ்த்தப்பட்டு வாழ்வைத் தொலைத்த பெண்களைப் பற்றி  எடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ள தி கேரளா ஸ்டோரி திரைப்படம் மே 5 ம் தேதி வெளியாகிறது. திரைப்படமானது வெற்றியடைய இந்துமுன்னணி🚩 வாழ்த்துகிறது.. the_kerla_story LoveJihad


Most of keralites will remember the drama that surrounded the love affair between Akhilya and Shafin Jahan sometime in 2017 . 

Akhliya changed her name to Hadiya, embraced Islam and married Shafin. The parents Ashokan and Ponnamma fought tooth and nail to prevent her from going off to live with him. Hadiya went to court and the court ruled that she had every right to convert to the religion of her choice and marry who so ever she wished. She walked out of her home, with Shafin, followed by the press, showered with laurels by social media liberals, communists, Left, Congress and the Muslim league. She is the true Indian they said. Hadiya also gave interviews stating that she was glad to leave the caste riddled Hinduism and her atheist father. 

The press turned off their cameras, everyone went home and the matter ended there. Or did it? 

Did the Story end  there? Did they live happily ever after? No to both. 

Soon after the Supreme Court ruling in her favor, Shafin left Hadiya. Ashokan who has been pulled out of his home and brought back into limelight ever since the trailer of the controversial movie #Kerala #State appeared, stated that he has not seen him  or heard of him since 2018. 

Hadiya is now living in kottakal with her friend Zainaba who is a PFI activist. 

Ashokan had tried many times to get Hadiya to return home. But she refused. The parents remember her saying that after her marriage she was going to Syria to rear goats there. Ashokan feels it's because he created so much racket and because the Supreme Court and the press became involved that she was not trafficked to extremist controlled places like Afghanistan and Syria. 

Ashokan visited her many times but she was always surrounded by Zainaba and her people. They were never allowed to speak in private. Even the one time when he made a surprise visit and found her alone, she was shaking with so much fear that she refused to speak to him or return home. 

The father plans to go to Court and the NIA requesting them to investigate the activities of Zainaba who he believes is the person behind "Akhilya meeting Shafin", who proudly has claimed to have converted 5000 non Muslim women. 

Ashokan wants everyone to see the movie Kerala Story. Politicians and social media activists fight over and tear to pieces the movie about girls who have been lured away but no one cares to see the unbearable pain of the parents who have lost their children to this dreaded ideology. 

Of late, all that Hadiya wants is his property transferred in her name. That is the condition to leave Islam and come home. But Ashokan is troubled and filled with mistrust because the girl never even bothered to visit her mother who had suffered a severe heart attack and eventually died of it. He doesn't want to give his hard earned wealth to be used for unholy activities. He asks " Why should I give my property to someone who values religion above her parents? ". 

This is a country that stands for freedom of expression. If the liberals, the communists stand for the rights of people to see what they want to, as they claim to, this movie will hit the screens and yes, everyone, across India should watch it. 

Watch it for a parent named Ashokan who has lost everything in life because one religion has decided every one on earth should ultimately believe only its own man- made God and be governed by its own misogynistic, inhumane laws. 

Be aware. Be warned. Be careful.


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