An incident took place on 25th Jun 2023 Sunday evening at Prashanth Nagar, Bangalore. About 7-8 children aged around 13-15 had gone to a nearby Domino's Pizza to celebrate Birthday of the one of the Child. Their parents dropped them at the Domino’s Pizza and sat outside so that kids can talk freely and enjoy their time for themselves.


An incident took place on 25th Jun 2023 Sunday evening at Prashanth Nagar, Bangalore. About 7-8 children aged around 13-15 had gone to a nearby Domino's Pizza to celebrate Birthday of the one of the Child.

Their parents dropped them at the Domino’s Pizza and sat outside so that kids can talk freely and enjoy their time for themselves. 

While the children were having fun and eating Pizza, a cleaning lady at Domino's addressed the children and started preaching about Jesus Christ. The children immediately reacted and started to talk about the greatness of Hinduism. Why should we submit to Christ, that we have our God and Dharma. These teenage Kids also argued that Bramha, Vishnu and Maheshwara are present from the beginning of the creation, and Hindu religion is older than Christianity. Later, all kids chanted “Jai Shri Ram” loudly.  

The cleaning lady was taken a back and didn’t know how to react looking the situation. She realised that, these kids are strong and can’t be brainwashed. To take a revenge of this insult, she asked kids to pay a fine of Rs. 100 for making noise and making a mess. Kids were upset with behaviour of this lady and told her to ask her Jesus to pay the fine and left the restaurant. Kids narrated the entire incidents to the parents. Then the parents went and complained to the manager and took a class.  

So who are these children who are so bold and spoke about Hinduism when there was a wrong thing happening.  These teenage kids are part of  one of the Balabharati and Kishorebharati Centre’s of Vijayanagar Khand run by IT Milan wing of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. Dhanyawada for those parents, elders and Guru for giving them Sanskar. 

As you know Balabharati and Kishorebharati is playing an important and crucial role in the teenage kids on building Sanskar and knowledge about Sanatana Dharma & thus preventing cultural genocide. 

Hence if you want your kids must not fall for this trap, the merely forwarding this post is not going to help, start giving Sanskar and information about greatness of our Sanatana Dharma or be ready to go to those places of worship which your kids would be indoctrinated into.

*рдзрд░्рдоो рд░рдХ्рд╖рддि рд░рдХ्рд╖िрддः*


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