I will and it will be done in a year. Words of George Soros after passing his legacy and business to his son last week and dedicating his time to anti India activities through NGOs . Swinging 5-8 % votes is his target , the manifesto of many parties will be engineered by George Soros team after surveys and consultation with religious leaders and family owned small state level parties in India . Karnataka was a test dose

I will and it will be done in a year. Words of George Soros after passing his legacy and business to his son last week and dedicating his time to anti India activities through NGOs . Swinging 5-8 % votes is his target , the manifesto of many parties will be engineered by George Soros team after surveys and consultation with religious leaders and family owned small state level parties in India . Karnataka was a test dose 

The Soros gang are pumping in money to defeat Modi at any cost.

The Patna meeting, subsequent planned meetings at Himachal, Bengal, Punjab, Kerala, TN, Telengana, Rajasthan,  Chattisgarh, Karnataka etc all are funded by Soros NGOs.

Soros have given a clear pragmatic plan to the opposition.

Congress can't defeat BJP on its own. But the powerful regional parties can defeat BJP in their home states if they have money and proper alliance to consolidate opposition votes.

So 2024 LSE will be BJP vs State parties.

Soros wants to reduce BJP seats as much as possible so that the opposition can block many policies, reforms which are detrimental to Deep State agenda. 

Most of the deep state companies in military industrial complex, pharma, HiTech, FinTech etc have no other alternative but India now to invest and grow their investments further.

Other countries are having negative growth or stagnant.

China RoI is dwindling and the deep state share assets dividends in chinese companies are going from bad to worse.

But they will be uncomfortable with nationalist  Modi and his style of handling adversaries.

So the prime motive now is to remove Modi if not BJP.

So they now try ro create troubles within BJP and RSS.

They are encouraging kattar hindus and extreme right wingers conservatives etc within BJP to rebel against Modi. 

Since these guys can not be bought by money so easily, Soros are helping them in direct ways.

by publishing their anti Modi narratives in media giving wider coverage , promoting their books ( simply buying thousands of them), sponsoring their conferences , promoting them in USA and UK media etc 

These guys will be encouraged to start their own parties and noisy groups which will cut into the votes of BJP 

On the other hand, Ms and Cs votes are being firmed up, consolidated against BJP 

Using the very detailed Joshua project demographic details on every village, town, city across India, teams are working and helping the state parties and Congress to form strategies for each LS seat to defeat BJP.

Similar to Rahul, who is willing to kill his own party and let it die to defeat BJP

other state parties will be encouraged to sacrifice to make the winnable opposition party in that particular seat  to field a common candidate  and they will be compensated with money and other means.

This is a very formidable strategy.

Most of the Hindu voters do not realise this grand plan.


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