India's richest man* Mukesh Ambani says that if you put bananas and lots of money in front of a monkey, the monkey will pick up bananas and not money. Because he doesn't know that money can buy a lot of bananas.


*India's richest man* Mukesh Ambani says that if you put bananas and lots of money in front of a monkey, the monkey will pick up bananas and not money. Because he doesn't know that money can buy a lot of bananas.

*In the same way today, if in reality the people of India are asked to choose between personal interest and National security, they will choose only personal interest. Because they are not able to understand that if the Nation is not safe, then where will they tie the bundles of personal interests and take them?*

There are three contradictory trends going on these days------

*First:-* India is a poor country, so there is no need for a bullet train but, India is so rich that it can support millions of Rohingyas!

*Second:-* Fifty six expensive lawyers of the country from the side of the mosque. but, Subramaniam Swamy alone from the temple side!!

*Third:-* There is opposition to GST in the country, but, have you ever seen any opposition to population growth?

*Fourth:-* The joke is that those with two children pay tax, but, those with ten children take subsidy!!!!

*You may dislike the above mentioned things, but it is definitely worth considering!!!*

*Another fact* India was great... it was a mine of heroes, but, still, we were slaves of the Mughals.


*Because, one Hindu king kept away from another Hindu king due to personal opposition and they were adamant on supporting the Mughals"*

The situation is the same even today.

_*Modi is standing for Hindutva and confused Hindus are adamant on erasing it.....!!!!*_


Have seen lakhs of Hindus opposing Modi, but, tell me any one Muslim who opposes Owaisi vocally.

*A Hindu himself is the cause of his downfall.....*

*Think a little and connect yourself.*

 *Jai Hind Jai Bharat ЁЯЗоЁЯЗ│*


There is a difference between thinking and thinking, see yourself..

If a Hindu is more religious then he becomes a monk.!!

If a Muslim is more religious then he becomes a Jihadi or a terrorist..!!ЁЯСМ


If you are a Hindu, you will definitely forward it.



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