Please walk for at least 30-40 minutes daily to ensure that your legs receive sufficient exercise and to ensure that your leg muscles remain healthy. *KEEP WALKING* You should share this important information with all your 40+years" friends & family members, as everyone is aging on a daily basis.


Did you know?

▪️Both  the   legs together  have  50%   of the   nerves    of   the  human  body,  50%   of  the   blood  vessels  and  50%  of   the   blood   is flowing  through   them.


▪️ It  is  the  largest  circulatory  network  that connects  the   body. 

*So Walk daily*

▪️Only when  the feet are  healthy then  the convention current  of blood  flows ,  smoothly,   so people who  have  strong  leg muscles  will  definitely have  a strong  heart. *Walk*

▪️Aging  starts  from  the  feet  upwards.


▪️As  a   person  gets older, the  accuracy & speed  of  transmission  of instructions   between the  brain and   the  legs decreases, unlike  when a  person  is  young.

*Please Walk*

▪️In   addition,   the   so-called   Bone  Fertilizer Calcium will  sooner  or later  be  lost  with  the passage  of  time,  making  the   elderly  more  prone  to   bone fractures. 


▪️Bone  fractures  in  the  elderly   can  easily  trigger  a  series   of complications, especially fatal  diseases  such  as  brain   thrombosis.


▪️Do  you   know   that 15% of elderly  patients   generally, will  die  max. within  a  year  of   a  thigh-bone   fracture !!  

*Walk daily without fail*

▪️ Exercising  the legs,   is   never  too  late, even  after   the  age  of 60  years.

*W A L K*

▪️Although   our   feet/legs  will   gradually   age with    time,  exercising  our  feet/ legs  is  a  life-long  task.  

*Walk 10,000 steps*

▪️Only  by regular strengthening   the  legs, one   can   prevent   or reduce  further  aging.  

*Walk 365 days*

▪️ Please  walk  for at  least 30-40  minutes   daily   to  ensure   that   your   legs  receive   sufficient   exercise and  to  ensure  that  your  leg  muscles remain healthy.


You  should   share  this  important  information  with  all  your  40+years"  friends

 & family  members, as everyone  is  aging  on  a  daily  basis.






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