Dr Suganya from Dr Suganya’s Ayurvedic Solutions. +91 73582 96272 ЁЯФеЁЯЩПЁЯФеЁЯЩП Ayurveda 9.O is one of the best Ayurveda Clinic in Chennai, which is located in the heart of Chennai and is a place where authentic and established treatment techniques are melded to offer customized therapies.


Dr Suganya from Dr Suganya’s Ayurvedic Solutions. +91 73582 96272 ЁЯФеЁЯЩПЁЯФеЁЯЩП

Ayurveda 9.O is one of the best Ayurveda Clinic in Chennai, which is located in the heart of Chennai and is a place where authentic and established treatment techniques are

melded to offer customized therapies.


Ayurveda 9.0

A Natural Approach to Better Health.

We are into the health care services the last fourteen years emphasizing the importance of good health and bringing a great heath to the society and environment by being more natural and ecofriendly. We believe in the concept of vedic healing scriptures roughly 5000 years back which are still proven worth effective and consistent throughout these years.

Holding my 18 years of Study, research, exposure and work experience, we started up with Dr Suganya’s Ayurveda 9.0. It’s an organization developed in the aim of promoting good health by meeting the health requirements of people in a safe, authentic and effective way as told in the classics of Ayurveda. Having great experiences with various Ayurvedic organizations like Kottakkal, National Panchakarma Institute – Kerala, NIA – Jaipur, Sanjeevanam, we are the team and Unit of the former Alwarpet Ayush now landing with our ancient scientific methodologies refereshed, refined and relentless...

We treat variegated disorders and difficulties ranging from mild fevers to major serious illnesses which do not require immediate surgical intervention or emergency care. We focus over the individual needs and requirements of each body type and give solutions suitable to their issues in the form of oral medications which are again taken the entire care and ensured safety preparation methods done in the most classical way without giving any side effects or complications. For this, we have chosen certain partners whose R & D is partly under our guidance and supervision which has greater standards and more purely ethical in the ways of preparation of drugs.

For further details contact Sugavanam sir, Digital CEO 9176244989 sugavanam.mobile@gmail.com


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