Dr.(Smt) Sashi Tiwari, Chairman (Retired) of Sanskrit Dept Agra College, Agra has summarised the essence of all the 18 chapters of Gita in just 18 sentences. One liner Geeta - Will you forward and circulate this to all? Each one is requested to forward this to as many persons in 4 days. Not only within your state but this should be forwarded to entire India.


Dr.(Smt) Sashi Tiwari, Chairman (Retired) of Sanskrit Dept

Agra College, Agra has summarised the essence of all the 18 chapters of Gita in just 18 sentences. 

One liner Geeta - 

Will you forward and circulate this to all? Each one is requested to forward this to as many persons in 4 days. Not only within your state but this should be forwarded to entire India. 

One liner Geeta

*Chapter 1 - Wrong thinking is the only problem in life .*

*Chapter 2 - Right knowledge is the ultimate solution to all our problems .*

*Chapter 3 - Selflessness is the only way to progress and prosperity .*

*Chapter 4 - Every act can be an act of prayer .*

*Chapter 5 - Renounce the ego of individuality and rejoice the bliss of infinity .*

*Chapter 6 - Connect to the higher consciousness daily.*

*Chapter 7 - Live what you learn .*

*Chapter 8 - Never give up on yourself .*

*Chapter 9 - Value your blessings .*

*Chapter 10 - See divinity all around .*

*Chapter 11 - Have enough surrender to see the truth as it is.*

*Chapter 12 - Absorb your mind in the higher.*

*Chapter 13 - Detach from Maya and attach to divine .*

*Chapter 14 - Live a life- style that matches your vision.*

*Chapter 15 - Give priority to Divinity .*

*Chapter 16 - Being good is a reward in itself .*

*Chapter 17 - Choosing the right over the pleasant is a sign of power .*

*Chapter 18 - Let go, let us move to union with God .*

( Introspect on each one of this principle)


                   реР рддрдд्рд╕рдд् 

P. S. - Again and again I request you to forward this to as many people and explain the importance of Gita.


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