These "7" curses were given to the Congress Party by a Brahmin once and showing to be 100 per cent true.* ------------------------- 1. *There will be a day when the Congress leaders will wear Janeu on the coat for vote.* -Veer Savarkar, 1959


These "7" curses were given to the Congress Party by a Brahmin once and showing to be 100 per cent true.*


1. *There will be a day when the Congress leaders will wear Janeu on the coat for vote.*

    -Veer Savarkar, 1959

2. *One day the whole country will be ruled by the BJP.*

     Atal Ji 1999, in Parliament

3. *I am leaving the Congress today, but I swear that I will raise an organization against this Congress ideology that will erase its name.  Even if it takes 100 years.*

*Another 100 years with 800 years of slavery is acceptable, but this organization will continue to make India a united India again.*

     - Keshav Baliram Hedgewar, Founder and First Sarsanghchalak, 1922, Nagpur

4. *On the day the dead Hindutva will proudly say that I am a Hindu, on that day America too will bow down before the traditions of India and say that they would explain its phlosphy to other the countries.*

     - Swami Vivekananda, 1893, in Chicago, USA.

5. *Today Indira Gandhi shot and killed 400 sadhus in an hour in front of Parliament in movement against cow slaughter movement.*

*I curse the Congress party that one day a monk meditating in the Himalayas will occupy this Parliament in modern costumes and destroy the Congress ideology.  It is a curse of a Brahmin and the curse of a Brahmin never goes empty.*

     -Karpatri Maharaj, weeping in front of Parliament and picking up corpses of sadhus, 1966

6. *The Congress party will fall so low for  vote bank that it will support the slogans of JNU like Nehru's leftist sex centers and openly support cow slaughter and prove themselves to be Naxalites.*

      -Dr.  Subramanian Swamy, in AAP court 2009

7. *Narendra Modi is the future of India.  Don't blame the 2002 Gujarat riots on him. He is sinless and pure.  I tell Atalji and RSS to continue with him or else Hindutva will end from India.*

    Balasaheb Thackeray, 6 June 2002

*After that on June 9, while at Goa, Atalji decided to continue with Narendra Modi, otherwise today the country wouldn’t have such a PM.

*Keep copying and forwarding.*

*Friends there is still time, a little bit of your selfishness will take the country back many years which is not possible to  fulfill, this dream! Leave small things to each of us should be devoted to the nation, the pride of the nation itself.  Our pride is ..........*

*Should be forwarded across the country*

*Vande Matram!*

*Long live Mother India*


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