*I want to leave India. Which country should I go to?* ЁЯе░⤵️ Go to Pakistan. You will come back in a week running with frightened eyes.


*I want to leave India. Which country should I go to?*  ЁЯе░⤵️

Go to Pakistan. You will come back in a week running with frightened eyes.

Go to Japan. You cannot afford to go to a hair cutting salon also.

Go to Australia. You have to come back to India occasionally to see nature, historical sights and enjoy good diversified food to escape from dull cities like Melbourne and Sydney.

Go to USA. You shall remember your Indian family doctor every day.

Go to Singapore. It takes five years to learn the rules.

Go to western Europe. You feel Indian trouble makers are far better than some immigrants from Africa.

Go to Scandinavian countries. You shall repent about the climate.

Moving to Canada. Go with antidepressants to live in a friendless environment.

Try Middle East. You stop talking.

Still if you are allergic to India have a long world tour. Do homework. Settle in a suitable place.

But remember, You are moving away from your home, sweet home to a house, just a richer posh house, which shall never be your home. Jews wandered all over the world but had to come back to make their home again.

*Mera Bharat Mahaan*

-Nayagan ЁЯШО


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