Ram Mandir is being built after delivering*, 1. 50,000 kms of roads. 2. 500 kms of Metro. 3. 10,000 Jan Aushadhi Kendra.


“ Is Ram Mandir a priority"?  This is a big debate going on about a purely privately funded temple...

*Ram Mandir is being built after delivering*,

1. 50,000 kms of roads. 

2. 500 kms of Metro.

3. 10,000 Jan Aushadhi Kendra. 

4. 220 crore Free Vaccines.

5. 51 crore Bank Accounts.

6. 45 crore MUDRA loans.

7. ₹1 lakh crore Defence Production

8. 13 crore out of poverty as per IMF. 

9. Chandrayaan-3, recent success stories of DRDO and Scientific community. 

10.  From Fragile 5 to Top 5 economy.

11. Forex reserves of 620 Billion Dollars reflecting resilience against economic uncertainties.  India's forex reserves rose by USD 58 billion cumulatively in 2023

12. After Indian GDP doubled from 1.8 trillion in 2013 to 3.7 trillion in 2023.

13.  Temple after India attaining a hallmark as a largest recipient of remittances of $125 billion in 2023. 

14. India's gold reserves at 800 tons. The grand Ram Temple will generate approx two tonnes of gold every year. 

15. Funds for the temple after repaying Congress left unpaid  worth ₹ 3 Lakh crs Oil Bonds and Iranian crude $3 billions. 

Besides after recovering UPA's  deliberately created NPA's / bad loans of over Rs 10 lakh crores. 

16. Sensex Jumped 350% from 20,000 to 72000.

17. Inflation is halved from 10% in 2013 to 5% in 2023. 

18. India becomes 3rd largest STARTUP ecosystem in the worldfrom 10% in 2013 to 5% in 2023. Impetus to make in India and start ups running in parallel. 

19. Grand temple after India bridging the defence gap with China from 1/7 to 5/7.

20. Brutalising Pakistan Economically and diplomatically was prioritised before the grand temple.  Today Pakistan is in tatters. 

21. Ram Temple after India standing tall in Green Energy initiatives. 

22.  Temple After attaining the position as a leading global player / influencer. 

23.  India received $900 billion FDI since 1947. $500 billion came in the last 90 months. For 8 consecutive years from 2015, India set a record for FDI received.

24. On  GDP front, first trillion took 67 years. Second in 8 years. Third in 5 years and the 4th trillion in less than 4 years. 

25. Eight years ago India was No.122 in mobile data use. Today No.1. India consumes more mobile data than US+China. The road to  development not hindered due to Ram Mandir. 

26.  Ram Mandir after substantial investments in high tech education. 

No. of IITs

2014: 16

2023: 23

No. of IIMs

2014: 13

2023: 20

No. of IIITs

2014: 09

2023: 24

Institutes of National Imp.

2014: 75

2023: 167

In the past 10 years major transformation in education especially in medical sciences. 

No. of Medical Colleges

2014 - 385 ( 209 Pvt + 176 Govt)

2022 - 704 ( 299 Pvt + 405 Govt)

Medical Seats in MBBS:

2014 - 51,348

2023 - 108940

(112% increase)

PG Medical seats 

2014 - 31,185 

2023 - 70,674

(127% increase)

27.  Ayodhya temple after smoothening the law and order in Kashmir, which pot was burning for the past 70 years. 

29. AND finally after bringing peace and tranquility in Kashmir.

Traditionally Mandir ecosystem is the centre of spiritual practices beside augmenting tourism and becoming a central piece for Income generation cycle.

There is Mecca, Vatican and Ayodhya..

There is nothing wrong in India revisiting the vestiges of the past by building a similar ecosystem. 

A stunning and a magnificent Hindu temple is set for inauguration on 14th Feb 2024. The govt of UAE will make it tourist attraction nunber l. 

Finally, Ram Mandir is built purely by private voluntary contributions without support of Government funds!! It has in no way impacted development or welfare schemes!!


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