What happened around the world due to Hindu Awakening All Hindus around the world should read this message!


What happened around the world due to Hindu Awakening

All Hindus around the world should read this message!

Many people take social media lightly, but let me tell you its power. It only takes a minute to read:


1. All over Europe and America are feeling the pressure due to the new confidence and unity of Hindus in Bharat!

2. Conspiracy to convert poor Bharitya's into Muslims or Christians is exposed by Hindu unity. Our current government has banned 22,000 NGOs and 4 major Christian proselytizing organizations!

3. Due to Hindu solidarity, "Love Jihad" is now reduced to 50% and is also illegal in many states.

4. The unity of Hindus led to Jihad business downfall in many places!

5. Due to Hindu unity, 70% of the people who spoke against Sanatan Dharma have been silenced, on the contrary many foreigners have started accepting it.

6. Hindu unity has reduced jokes about our festivals and culture by 80% on WhatsApp and Facebook!

7. Due to the unity of the Hindu masses, the entire opposition party is now chanting to look Hindu!

8. Hindu unity has put pressure on Bollywood.

9. Hindus are not as quiet as before, they are now protesting abroad in places like London Boycotting Pakistani shops and restaurants!

10. The most important thing is that the inferiority of Hindus is reduced. We gained confidence. We were underestimating ourselves, our own culture, our great history, it stopped. People of the world are attracted by our great culture.

Even if you have only 10 Hindu friends on social media, spreading these thoughts among them will help you reach millions of Hindus!

If you don't write yourself, at least keep forwarding, sharing, copying the thoughts of those who write/speak.

Awareness of Hinduism is increasing day by day. Even Hindus who support "pseudo-secularism" are starting to think about their position!

People who use social media to communicate are not necessarily inactive; Some are in education, some are employed, some are in business or self-employed or entrepreneurs!

 But everyone is doing their best for "Dharma Karya" to organize and create awareness among Hindus!

Better to live for a goal than to get out with nothing! At least the next generation will proudly say that my parents fought for their culture and country!

 Hindu organization is a tangible force. So keep connecting and spreading the great message, help each other by forgiving, forgetting, overcoming and trashing caste differences!

Our only focus is that Bharat was a Hindu nation, is a Hindu nation and will remain a Hindu nation

and  Bharat will once again become a great nation and a superpower. Unity of all our Hindu brothers is very important.

  ЁЯЪй Jai Shri Ram!ЁЯЪй

I did my duty of sharing.ЁЯЩПЁЯЩП

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