*ЁЯФеЁЯТкAnother James Bond in Modi Team*on Mission*ЁЯТкЁЯСМ *Modi Govt has appointed Tapan Deka as IB Chief, superceding 4 other Senior Officers. ЁЯЩП Tapan Deka is Expert in tracking Religious Radicalisation,Terrorism & North-East affairs.*



*ЁЯФеЁЯТкAnother James Bond in Modi Team*on Mission*ЁЯТкЁЯСМ

 *Modi Govt has appointed Tapan Deka as IB Chief, superceding 4 other Senior Officers.    ЁЯЩП Tapan Deka is Expert in tracking Religious Radicalisation,Terrorism & North-East affairs.*

*He is an ACTION MAN credited with breaking Indian Mujahideen, a terror Outfit. Tapan Deka was appointed as the counter-terrorism operations chief in Kashmir.*

*Tapan Deka was formerly appointed as Deputy Director, Joint Director, and Additional Director, Special Director of the Intelligence Bureau (India). During Citizenship Act protests in Assam, Tapan Deka handled the protest to bring normalcy as per the advice of Home Minister of India Amit Shah.*

*Tapan Deka was the mastermind behind the investigation of the 2008 Assam bombings case. Deka also handled theinvestigation of Pathankot air base attack and Pulwama attack and was the brain behind the arrest of Yasin Bhatkal, founder of IM from Nepal.*

*Deka is believed to the key official of the surgical strike in Balakot.*ЁЯСМЁЯЪйЁЯЗоЁЯЗ│ЁЯк╖


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