Who is Sanjay Kumar Mishra? Why the entire opposition and world's most powerful NGOs reached the Supreme court to remove him? Sanjay Kumar Mishra is the Director of ED. He belongs to UP and was selected in IRS in 1984. He was the youngest IRS officer that time


Who is Sanjay Kumar Mishra?

Why the entire opposition and world's most powerful NGOs reached the Supreme court to remove him?

Sanjay Kumar Mishra is the Director of ED.

He belongs to UP and was selected in IRS in 1984. He was the youngest IRS officer that time.

He spent his most of career in Income Tax dept. He was famous for his sharp brain, honesty and hard work.

When Modi became PM in 2014 and started to work on building a New India, he knew that biggest hindrance in growth of India is nexus on anti-India forces, foreign funded NGOs, mafias, corrupt Indian politicians and their fuel - the Black Money - to stop growth of India

They use NGOs, Corporates, Shell Companies for Money Laundering and that money is used for Anti National activities. 

If you remember, in the first 2-3 years of Modi, he did heavy crackdown on NGOs, Shell Companies. But very soon he realised that the nexus is very big and he needs to build an equally competent team to tackle these financial crimes. 

He then met Sanjay Kumar Mishra.

Modi was very impressed with him and told him his vision and asked him to head ED in 2018. He was first appointed as Principal Secretary of ED, out of turn and a Full-time director of ED on November 19, 2018.

Those who are unaware about ED, it investigates cases related to Money Laundering. And those who dont know what Money Laundering is - it’s any method to convert black money into white money.

In an old video of Modi, he had said, "Jitne bhi log bharti karne pade mai karunga, pura 70 saalo mein jitne bhi log desh ko loota hai mai sabka pata laga lunga."

SK Mishra started to build ED. Before him, there were hardly 23 senior officers; now there are more than 100 senior officers. ED now has offices all over India and has unlimited powers. They can act anywhere, can arrest anyone by using these powers. With the power he had, Mishra started crackdown on the corrupt.

No one assumed that Govt will do such crackdown on corrupts because corruption had become a general norm in India.

ED started to arrest people like, Chidambarm, Karti Chidambaram, Chanda Kochar etc 

SK Mishra’s retirement was due on March 2020. His 2 years tenure was UN till Nov 2020 since in India CBI director n ED directors are appointed for 2 years or till age of 60, whichever occurs earlier.

SK Mishra finished his 60 years in March 2020 but GOI kept continued him. The opposition kept waiting for his retirement in November 2020, his retirement date. But Modi Govt went to President and modified President's November 2018 order of his appointment for 2 years to 3 years with retrograde effect and extended his tenure till November 2021.

Now the opposition lost patience & went to Supreme Court via a NGO common cause that is part of their ecosystem. Govt fought for SK Mishra in SC. But here Opposition didn't get any relief from Supreme Court.

SC said Govt has power to extend ED Director tenure from 2-3 years but only in the rarest of a rare case & that his tenure won't be extended beyond November 2021.

Opposition thought it’s better to wait till November 2021 for retirement of SK Mishra. 

But in November 2021 they faced one more blow. Govt brought an ordinance to amend CVC act and extended Sanjay Kumar Mishra's tenure from November 2021 to Nov 2023 (3 to 5 years)! Later Govt passed that amendment even in the Parliament.

Now opposition parties, NGOs lost all their patience and flooded the Supreme Court with petitions to remove him. 

Case is still going. Hearing was on 3rd September. Govt said in reply to SC that all these petitioners are from political parties who are accused of corruption!

Modi is standing rock solid with Sanjay Mishra, one thing is confirmed: Corrupt Opposition are not going to get rid of him untill they don't go to jail.

SK Mishra's crackdowns will continue. Here are the details of cases on which he is working:

Name of case - Accused

▪️INX Media case - *Karti and P Chidambaram*.

▪️Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank case - *Sharad Pawar and Ajit Pawar*.

▪️Money laundering case - *DK Shivkumar*.

▪️J&K Cricket association case - *Farooq Abdullah, Mehbooba Mufti*.

▪️National Herald Case - *Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi*.

▪️VVIP Chopper scam - *Ratul Puri (Kamal Nath kin)*

▪️Panchkula land allotment case - *Bhupinder Hooda.*

▪️Asset Disproportionate - *Anand Kumar (Mayawati kin)*

▪️Illegal Mining case - "Akhilesh Yadav*

▪️Land deal case - *Robert Vadra*.

▪️Aircel Maxis deal - *Raja, Kanimozhi, Dayanidhi Maran.*

▪️Money laundering - *Sanjay Raut*.

▪️Sterling Biotech case - *Sons of Ahmed Patel*.

▪️Land scam - *Jagan Reddy*.

▪️Ambulance case - *Ashok Gehlot.*

▪️Saradha Chit Fund - *Mamta Banerjee.*

▪️Money laundering - *Satender Jain*.

▪️Delhi Liquor Scam - *Manish Sisodia*

*Businessmen*: Chandra Kochar (ICICI), Venugopal Dhoot (Videocon), Malvinder Singh (Religare), Sanjay Chandra (Unitech), Nirav Modi, Vijay Malya, Mehul Choksey and many more.

NGOs facing ED investigation*

▪️Amnesty International and many more!

But now you know why opposition and Left ecosystem is after one man and why PM Modi is standing rock solid behind him.

Sanjay Kumar Mishra is unfazed going after the most powerful but corrupt people.

People say he personally leads all cases and even works on Sundays. He is very low profile;  you won't find too many of his pictures on the net. ЁЯЗоЁЯЗ│ЁЯЗоЁЯЗ│ЁЯЗоЁЯЗ│

Long Live honest people..


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