Why is it necessary to cross 400 this time* *Total members in Lok Sabha 543* *Total members in Rajya Sabha 238* *2/3 majority is formed on 521* *NDA has 117 members in Rajya Sabha* *521-117=404*


*Why is it necessary to cross 400 this time*

*Total members in Lok Sabha 543*

*Total members in Rajya Sabha 238*

*2/3 majority is formed on 521*

*NDA has 117 members in Rajya Sabha*


  *That's why I say this time give 407 seats. Vote for Modi by filling your Tata 407*

*What will be special in MODI 3.0 2024*:

ЁЯСЙ *407 seats are required in Lok Sabha to abolish Waqf Board (this is more dangerous than Article 370 of Kashmir*)

ЁЯСЙ *If Modi has 407 seats in the Lok Sabha, then 10 crore Bangladeshi infiltrators will be driven away by implementing CAA_NRC law*

ЁЯСЙ *If Modi has 407 seats in Lok Sabha then Minority Commission will end*

ЁЯСЙ *If Modi has 407 seats in the Lok Sabha, then the place of worship law will end_(Thousands of Hindu temples will be returned / which were given as mosques*)

ЁЯСЙ *If Modi has 407 seats in the Lok Sabha, then terrorism factory madrasas will be banned and a uniform education law will be made*

ЁЯСЙ *If Modi has 407 seats in the Lok Sabha, then the 600 minority ministries run by the Central and 29 state governments, which have been running continuously for 77 years, will end.

ЁЯСЙ *If Modi has 407 seats in the Lok Sabha, then a law of 2 children will be made for everyone_(Population Control Law*)

ЁЯСЙ *If Modi has 407 seats in the Lok Sabha, then UCC_(Uniform Civil Law) will be implemented in entire India / due to which 4-4 Nikah and 3 Talaq will be banned*

ЁЯСЙ *If Modi has 407 seats in the Lok Sabha, then there will be a provision of 10 years of imprisonment by confiscating 100% of the property of stone pelters and rioters*

ЁЯСЙ *If Modi will have 407 seats in the Lok Sabha, then investment in IT, Manufacturing, AI, Agriculture and Infrastructure will be increased 100% to make India the third largest power (economy) of the world*

❤️ *So friends, try hard with all your might, friends, this time BJP will cross 400, if we say unequivocally then 407 seats* ЁЯМ╣

*This change is very necessary in the interest of the country* ЁЯЩПЁЯП╗ЁЯЩПЁЯП╗ЁЯЩПЁЯП╗


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