Congress party leaders are often heard on TV channels alleging that Prime Minister Modi left his wife.*


*Congress party leaders are often heard on TV channels alleging that Prime Minister Modi left his wife.*

But do you know what Jawaharlal Nehru did to his wife?

Jawaharlal Nehru's wife Kamala Nehru was suffering from TB... In those days, the fear of TB was just like the fear of AIDS today... because there was no cure for TB then and a person would die bit by bit... in agony and would become a skeleton... and no one would even go near a TB patient because TB spreads through the breath... People would admit the patients to a TB sanatorium built in a hilly area...

Nehru admitted his wife to a sanatorium in Prague, Yugoslavia [today Czech Republic], with another person...

Kamala Nehru kept waiting for death every moment alone in the TB sanatorium for ten years... but Nehru kept romancing Edwina Benton in Delhi... The most shameful thing is that during this time Nehru went to Britain many times but not even once did he go to Prague to inquire about his wife's health...

When Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose came to know about it, he He went to Prague... and talked to the doctors about better treatment... The doctors in Prague said that there is a modern TB hospital in Busan, Switzerland where he can be treated well...

Immediately Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose collected 70 thousand rupees in those days and got her admitted to a hospital in Busan, Switzerland by plane...

But Kamala Nehru was actually very broken from the heart... She was sad that her husband had not come to her even once in the last ten years to inquire about her health and strangers were taking care of her... After being admitted in Busan for two months, Kamala Nehru died in Busan itself on 28 February 1936...

Ten days before her death, Netaji Subhash Chandra had sent a telegram to Nehru asking him to come to Busan immediately... But Nehru did not come... Then Nehru was sent the news of his wife's death... Still Nehru did not even come to his wife's funeral...

In the end *Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose performed the last rites of Nehru's wife Kamala Nehru in Busan city of Switzerland.*

The person who behaved like this with his wife is called Chacha Nehru.

Jai Shri Ram ЁЯЩП

Har Har Mahadev ЁЯФ▒ЁЯЩПЁЯЪй


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