The importance of thieves in our economy *The teacher told the children to write an essay on _thieves_ for tomorrow.* ▪️A seventh-grade student, Buddhi Prakash, wrote such an essay:


The importance of thieves in our economy

*The teacher told the children to write an essay on _thieves_ for tomorrow.*

▪️A seventh-grade student, Buddhi Prakash, wrote such an essay:

▪️ "Thieves are the backbone of the country's economy."

▪️ People might think this is a joke or wrong, but it's actually a subject worth considering.

▪️ Safes, cupboards, and locks are needed because of thieves. This gives work to the companies that make them.

▪️ Because of thieves, windows in homes have grills, there are doors, doors are locked, and not just that, there are additional doors for security outside. So many people get work.

▪️ Due to thieves, a compound is built around houses, shops, and societies; there are gates, a guard stays at the gate 24 hours, and there is also a uniform for the guard. So many people get work.

▪️ Because of thieves, not just CCTV cameras and metal detectors but also cyber cells exist.

▪️ Because of thieves, there are police, police stations, police posts, patrol cars, batons, rifles, revolvers, and bullets. So many people get work.

▪️ Because of thieves, there are courts, judges, lawyers, clerks, and bail bondsmen in the courts. So many people get work.

▪️ Because of thieves, there are jails, jailers, and police for the jails. So many people get work.

▪️ When things like mobile phones, laptops, electronic devices, bicycles, and vehicles are stolen, people buy new ones. This buying and selling strengthen the country's economy and give work to many people.

▪️ If a thief is highly recognized and famous, then media from home and abroad also get their livelihood.

▪️ After reading all this, you must also be convinced that thieves are the backbone of the entire government system and a means of livelihood for the people in society.

Finally many thieves become politician and they become MLA MP ministers and they loot lot of money from people and deposit in Swiss bank and other Indian banks and through this many banks people get job...



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