This woman, Anu Tandon, is seen at every family function of Mukesh Ambani. Her story is also quite mysterious. Friends, the truth is that in any country in the world, not just India, if someone has wealth of more than 5000 crores, it is not possible without the help of those in power.


This woman, Anu Tandon, is seen at every family function of Mukesh Ambani.

Her story is also quite mysterious.

Friends, the truth is that in any country in the world, not just India, if someone has wealth of more than 5000 crores, it is not possible without the help of those in power.

In 2008, when Manmohan Singh was the Prime Minister, there was an ED officer named Sandeep Tandon, who was an IRS (Indian Revenue Service) officer.

Under his leadership, raids were conducted on Reliance House and HSBC Bank, and what was seized and what documents were found were not allowed to reach the media.

Then, a week later, the news came that Sandeep Tandon had left his job at ED and joined Reliance as a director.

Now imagine, if during the Modi government, an ED officer raids a business house and the assistant director leading the raid becomes a director in that same company a week later, how much uproar the opposition would create.

The news was that Sandeep Tandon, who was posted in Mumbai as a director in Reliance, had received a villa in Zurich, Switzerland, and had been living there for 8 months.

Reports in the Swiss media suggested that during the Manmohan government, Sonia Gandhi, Robert Vadra, Priyanka Vadra, and Rahul Gandhi used to vacation in Zurich and stayed at Sandeep Tandon’s villa, which was gifted to him by Mukesh Ambani and HSBC Bank.

Then the news came that Sandeep Tandon was found dead in his home bathroom.

It was then reported that despite Sandeep Tandon’s mysterious death, his body was not autopsied, and the Indian embassy hurriedly sent his body to Mumbai for cremation.

Following this, news surfaced that Mukesh Ambani had donated one of his software companies, Motif, to Anu Tandon, Sandeep Tandon’s widow.

SEBI was informed that she was the widow of our employee and director, so she was given the company after her husband's death. At that time, the company was valued at 3000 crores.

Later, it was reported that Anu Tandon was given a ticket by Congress from Unnao, and the entire Bollywood, including Shah Rukh Khan, Katrina Kaif, and Salman Khan, was sent for her election campaign.

Anu Tandon was a Member of Parliament once, and Congress gave her a ticket twice more, but she lost both times.

Now, keep scratching your head, connecting the dots, and thinking about the nexus between corporate and politicians shown in movies, and understand the games played behind the scenes by politicians who claim not to attend the weddings of certain industrialists in public but act differently behind closed doors.

She is now with the Samajwadi Party.


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