A summary of what happened in the Tirupati temple controversy so far : ▪︎ Earlier, TTD (Tirumala Tirupati Devastanam) used to buy good quality cow ghee from Nandini (which is a well-respected Karnataka milk brand) at the reasonable rate of ₹900 per kilo, for preparation of Prasad. ▪︎ After Jagan Mohan Reddy came to power in Andhra, he made his maternal uncle Subba Reddy the chairman of TTD. Jagan also infiltrated other top posts in TTD with his family members. All these people are Christians (Jagan claims that his uncle Subba Reddy is a Hindu).



A summary of what happened in the Tirupati temple controversy so far :

▪︎ Earlier, TTD (Tirumala Tirupati Devastanam) used to buy good quality cow ghee from Nandini (which is a well-respected Karnataka milk brand) at the reasonable rate of ₹900 per kilo, for preparation of Prasad.

▪︎ After Jagan Mohan Reddy came to power in Andhra, he made his maternal uncle Subba Reddy the chairman of TTD. Jagan also infiltrated other top posts in TTD with his family members. All these people are Christians (Jagan claims that his uncle Subba Reddy is a Hindu).

▪︎ Subba Reddy canceled the contract with Nandini and gave it to a shady Tamil Nadu company. They started supplying adulterated cow ghee at the ridiculously low rate of ₹320 per kilo.

▪︎ Imagine - can you get pure cow ghee at such a cheap rate? It is impossible. Market retail price is around ₹1200-₹2500 per kilo (depending on the brand). Then how was the Tamil Nadu company selling it at ₹320 for last 5 years?

▪︎ The chief priest complained about the quality of the ghee being extremely inferior and adulterated. He was sacked by Subba Reddy. Other employees too complained, but they were ignored. But still there were lots of rumours and devotees complaining frequently about quality of Prasad having dropped drastically.

▪︎ The ex-chief priest has also now alleged that many traditional practices were tampered with by Jagan's uncles - including time of feeding the Lord, quantity of Prasad made, guidelines for making the Prasad etc.

▪︎ Jagan's family members turned the temple administration into a commercial enterprise and drastically increased the production and distribution of inferior quality Prasad, so that they can earn huge profits.

▪︎ When Chandrababu Naidu became CM in July 2024, he immediately ordered for the ghee to be tested in an independent private lab, based in Gujarat. The lab results clearly state that beef tallow, pig lard, fish oil etc have been found in substantial quantities in the adulterated "ghee".

▪︎ The lab report came out 14 days after Naidu became CM. So it is logical that the ghee which was tested is from the stock which was purchased under Jagan's regime. 

▪︎ Naidu canceled the order from the Tamil Nadu company and restarted buying cow ghee from Nandini. Therefore the quality of Prasad has been restored since July 2024.

▪︎ Jagan's party spokespersons have not been able to give any satisfactory explanation. I was watching debates whole day yesterday. They are saying that since the sample was taken and tested after Naidu became CM, so he is responsible for the same. This is absolutely stupid logic.

▪︎ Now TTD ex-employees are coming out in the open and alleging that adulterated ghee was used even when Jagan's father was CM.

▪︎ Jagan and his deceased father are Christian zealots. His father had encroached upon temple land and built churches when he was CM.

▪︎ Having thus incurred the wrath of Lord Venkateshwara, Jagan's father died in mysterious circumstances, when his helicopter crashed in the same hills.

Hindus will forget this matter soon and go back to their normal lives. As a community, we have reached a point, where our entire focus is on earning well and living a comfortable life. We have stopped caring about pertinent issues that don't threaten our immediate existence.

Now it is in the hands of Lord Venkateshwara to teach a lesson to these vile individuals.


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