Indian Army AGNIPATH Recruitment and help the Jobless youth..ЁЯСН * Vacancy : 46,000 Posts * Job Role : Agniveer * Qualify : 8th, 10th, 12th * Age : 17 to 21 * Salary : Rs.30,000 - 40,000/- * Location : All Over India * Selection : Physical, Medical * Apply Mode: Online


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Indian Army AGNIPATH Recruitment and help the Jobless youth..ЁЯСН

*  Vacancy      : 46,000 Posts

*  Job Role     : Agniveer

*  Qualify        : 8th, 10th, 12th

*  Age             : 17 to  21

*  Salary         : Rs.30,000 - 40,000/-

*  Location     : All Over India

*  Selection    : Physical, Medical

*  Apply Mode: Online

This message is very useful for the job seeker. Kindly share this information with at least one group, Benefits of AGNIPATH

1st Year: Rs.21000 × 12 = Rs. 2,52,000

2nd Year: Rs.23100 × 12 = Rs. 2,77,200

3rd Year: Ra.25580 × 12 = Rs. 3,06,960

4th Year: Rs.28000 × 12 = Rs. 3,36,000

4 Years Total = Rs.11,72,160

Retirement Time after 4th Year: Rs.11,71,000 

Grand Total after 4th Year = Rs. 23,43,160


1. Excellent Army Training,

2. Food, Clothes, Boarding & Lodging @ Army Regimental Life for 4 years.

3. Disciplined Lifestyle and

4. Matured Mindset.

Job Offers after 4 Years from:

1. Tri-Forces (Army, Navy, Airforce)

2.. CRPF

3. Railway Protection Force

3. GRP


6. BSF

7. Customs & Central Excise

8. Forest Departments


10. IOCL

11. HPCL

12. Indian Railways

13. State Police

14. Banks

15. Airports

16. Seaports

17. Traffic Police Depts

18. Toll Plazas

19. ATMs

20. NMDC

21. SAIL

22. All Central PSUs

23. All State PSUs.

24. Task Force

25. Corporates like TATAs, Wipros, Mahindras.

26. Private Security Agencies

27. Logistics Companies

28. Cargo Companies

29. Warehousing Cos.

30. Road Transport Corps (RTCs)

31. Private Transport Cos.

32. Airliners (Indigo, SpiceJet, Tata Vistara etc etc)

33. Community Policing.

and Many MORE...

And, youth get excellent training to face rioters/looters/anti-social elements.

So, Dear YOUTH, please urgently learn that AGNIPATH is very important in your life and a Great Gift. No doubt in it.

And, 10% Quota for Agniveers in Coast Guard, Defence, Civilian Posts, and in nearly 100 Defence PSUs & Defence R&D Units viz....

1. Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (All 38 Divisions/Units of HAL and HAL JV Companies)

2. Bharat Electronics Ltd (all 10 Units)

3. Bharat Dynamics Ltd

4. BEML Ltd.

5. Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (MIDHANI)

6. Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited (MDL)

7. Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Ltd (GRSE)

8. Goa Shipyard Limited (GSL)

9. Hindustan Shipyard Ltd

10. Advanced Weapons & Equipment India Limited

11. Gliders India Ltd

12. Troop Comforts Ltd

13. Armoured Vehicles Nigam Limited (AVNL)

14. Munitions India Limited (MIL)

15. Yantra India Limited (YIL)

16. India Optel Limited (IOL)

17. Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) Labs/Units

18. Advanced Centre for Energetic Materials (ACEM)

19. Advanced Numerical Research & Analysis Group (ANURAG)

20. Advanced Systems Laboratory (ASL)

21. Aerial Delivery Research & Development Establishment (ADRDE)

22.Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE)

23. Armament Research & Development Establishment (ARDE)

24. Centre for Air Borne System (CABS)

25. Centre for Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (CAIR)

26. Centre for Advanced Systems (CAS)

27. Integration of Strategic Systems

28. Centre for Military Airworthiness & Certification (CEMILAC)

29. Centre for Personnel Talent Management (CEPTAM)

30. Centre for Fire, Explosive & Environment Safety (CFEES)

31. Centre for High Energy Systems and Sciences (CHESS)

32. Centre for Millimeter Wave Semiconductor Devices & Systems (CMSDS)

33. Combat Vehicles Research & Development Establishment (CVRDE)

34. Defence Avionics Research Establishment (DARE)

35. Defence Bio-engineering & Electromedical Laboratory (DEBEL)

36. Defence Electronics Applications Laboratory (DEAL)

37. Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre

38. Defence Food Research Laboratory (DFRL)

39. Defence Institute of Bio-Energy Research (DIBER)

40. DRDO Integration Centre (DIC)

41. Integration of Strategic System

42. Defence Institute of High Altitude Research (43. High Altitude Agro-animal Research

44. Defence Institute of Physiology & Allied Science (DIPAS)

45. Defence Institute of Psychological Research (DIPR)

46. November Defence Laboratory (DL)

47. Defence Electronics Research Laboratory (DLRL)

48. Defence Materials & Stores R&D Establishment (DMSRDE)

49. Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL)

50. Defence Research & Development Establishment (DRDE)

51. Defence Research & Development Laboratory (DRDL)

52. Defence Research Laboratory (DRL)

53. Defence Terrain Research Laboratory (DTRL)

54. Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE)

55. High Energy Materials Research Laboratory (HEMRL)

56. Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Sciences (INMAS)

57. Institute of Systems Studies & Analyses (ISSA)

58. Institute of Technology Management (ITM)

59. Instruments Research & Development Establishment (IRDE)

60. Integrated Test Range (ITR)

61. Joint Cypher Bureau (JCB)

62. Laser Science & Technology Centre (LASTEC)

63. Electronics & Radar Development Establishment (LRDE)

64. Military Institute of Training (MILIT)

65. Mobile Systems Complex (MSC)

66. Microwave Tube Research & Development Centre (MTRDC)

67. Naval Materials Research Laboratory (NMRL)

68. Naval Physical & Oceanographic Laboratory (NPOL)

69. Naval Science & Technological Laboratory (NSTL)

70. Proof and Experimental Establishment (PXE)

71. Recruitment and Assessment Center (RAC)

72. Research Centre Imarat (RCI), HYD

73. Research & Development Establishment (Engrs)

74. DRDO Research & Innovation Centre (RIC)

75. Scientific Analysis Group (SAG)

76. Snow and Avalanche Study Establishment (SASE)

77. Snow and Avalanche Complex

78. Solid State Physics Laboratory (SSPL)

79. Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory (TBRL)

80. Vehicle Research & Development Establishment (VRDE) DIHAR)


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