26/11/2008 - the barbarous terror attack that India and Mumbai can never forget Remembering the brave martyrs & survivors On November 26, 2008, ten terrorists from Lashkar-e-Taiba, a group based in Pakistan, arrived by sea and initiated a shooting spree in Mumbai that resulted in the deaths of 166 innocent people, including 18 security personnel. The attack also left several others injured during the 60-hour siege.


26/11/2008 - the barbarous terror attack that India and Mumbai can never forget 

Remembering the brave martyrs & survivors 

On November 26, 2008, ten terrorists from Lashkar-e-Taiba, a group based in Pakistan, arrived by sea and initiated a shooting spree in Mumbai that resulted in the deaths of 166 innocent people, including 18 security personnel. The attack also left several others injured during the 60-hour siege. 

The attacks targeted the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, Cama Hospital, the Oberoi Hotel, Nariman House, and the Taj Mahal Hotel. 

This tragedy was exacerbated by a failure in intelligence inputs and local information from the Mumbai Police under the UPA government.

While India was reeling with wounds of a ghastly attack, there was Rahul Gandhi who was in a mood to party. 

Indian Army was ready for a surgical strike against Pakistan after the 26/11 attack,but  Sonia Gandhi didn't allow and put her foot down

They were more interested in proving it a Hindu terrorism.Never forget how Congress leaders & Bollywood figures pushed the Hindu terror narrative after 26/11,even calling infamous Zakir Naik a Messiah of Peace.

One man Tukaram Omble unarmed, changed entire narrative of 26/11 by ensuring one Pakistani Ajmal Kasab gets caught alive.

This incident has left an indelible hatred for Pakistan in our minds. Just imagine: Pakistanis whole heartedly celebrated this killing of innocents by a state sponsored terrorists.

It will be a slap on the families of those victims if India play cricket in that enemy country.


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