Before Krishna* was *Rama...* *Before Rama* was *Jamdagni...* *Before Jamdagni* was *Atri...* *Before Atri* was *Agastya...* *Before Agastya* was *Patanjali...* *Before Patanjali* was *Kanad...*.


I am compelled to write, and ask you to read it

*There was no Sikh before Nanak!*

*There was no Muslim before Muhammad!*

There was no Jain before Rishabhdev!

*There was no Buddhist before Buddha!*

There was no leftist before Karl Marx!

But :

*Before Krishna* was *Rama...*

*Before Rama* was *Jamdagni...*

*Before Jamdagni* was *Atri...*

*Before Atri* was *Agastya...*

*Before Agastya* was *Patanjali...*

*Before Patanjali* was *Kanad...*.

Before Kanada* was *Yagyavalkya...*.

Before Yagyvalkya*...

All were *"Sanatan Vedic"* followers..!

"Look and understand" these -"12 moves" of *"political chess" carefully....?*


*"Mughals" became "Indians"...? And, "Indians., "Kafir"...?*


"Ghyasuddin Khan":-

Motilal, Jawaharlal "Nehru"

-Indira, Rajiv, -Maino, all of them became *"Gandhi"*..?

And.., *"Indians", "fools"....?*


"Momin" became "Kashmiri"...?

And, "Kashmiri Pandits", "refugees"....?


"Bangladeshis" became "Bengalis"....?

And, "Bengalis", "outsider Hindus".....?


"Killers" of "soldiers" and

"stone pelters"....*

"Agitators".....? And,"Army",

"Human rights violators"....?*


*"Tukde-Tukde Gang" became "Patriot"...?*

And, "Patriot" became "Branded Hardcore Extremist.....?*


"Pyre wood" became "Environmental concern".....

And, "Land wasted in "burial" became "Birthright".....?


"Wool" used in "Rakhi" "hurt" the "sheep"...?*

And then what about Bakri Eid?


"Appeasement" became "Secular".....?*

While, "Equality" became "Communal".....?*


"RSS" became "Terrorist"...?*

And, "Osama ji"..., "Hafiz Saheb"..., and -"Hurriyat",

"Peaks of Peace"......


*“Bharat Mata Ki Jai”*,

became "Communal"....? And,

“Bharat Tere Tukde Honge”,

became "Freedom of Expression"....?*

*12*. “Divide and Rule” became "Rule"....? And..,

*“Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas” "Jumla"?.*?

Just "Think"...? And "Understand"... that

*"After all" in a - "Hindu majority country"...,*

"How" did "all this" happen...???

Will you just read? Or will you forward it too?

No, right???

I knew

*"Hindus" who "remain"...?*!!!

Kept sleeping like this.....? So -

You won't even know..?,


You became a "citizen" of a "terrorist country"...?

*Being a "Hindu", I "request" you to send this to at least "10 people", or -"group".*

All this information has been collected through someone's tireless efforts. Don't keep it to yourself, use your fingers to send it to all Hindus. 

Also Hindus MUST unite at any cost.ЁЯЩПЁЯП╜


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