For more information DR. S. Prabhu MD PGDHsc( ECHO)PPHC ( UA) (General Physician & Preventive Cardiology) Experience of invasive & non-surgical cardiac care & improved quality of life. 0422 4971331 Mobile : +91 91597 00800 +91 94430 61115


*Chest pain* Recently, a person was admitted to a famous hospital in Chennai due to chest pain. He was undergoing treatment for a heart attack in 2016. Doctors recommended


After angiography at this multi-specialty hospital, doctors found multiple blockages in the blood vessel before angioplasty, and instead of angioplasty, the doctors suggested bypass surgery.

The doctors advised that his heart was too weak and he was brought home that evening, warning that after 10 - 15 days, bypass could be done only with high risk.

Meanwhile, after discussing the matter with relatives and close friends, new information came from a family friend. A new treatment called *EECP therapy* has been introduced by an Indian Medical (AIIMS) doctor.

      Now it is *Approved by US FDA & T.N GOVT*


Heart blockages can be cured without bypass surgery and without stents, but with the help of this advanced *EECP Machine* machine.


      With this treatment, a patient requiring bypass does not need to do so.

(This is called natural bypass)

Instead, the patient is given about 20 bottles of IV fluids into which some medication is injected.

      This medicine removes all the blockages in the blood vessels in the heart. Depending on the patient's age and health, the number of bottles administered may increase.

      A bottle can cost up to Rs.2,000/-.

Currently, only a few doctors in India specialize in this field. One of them was DR.S.PRABU, in Coimbatore.

He has a list of patients who have undergone this natural by-pass (EECP therapy) in major hospitals. After this new treatment, heart patients are completely fine and lead a normal life without even minimal medication.


This treatment is in Coimbatore

*PGS Hospital*. done

For more information

DR. S. Prabhu MD PGDHsc( ECHO)PPHC ( UA)

(General Physician & Preventive Cardiology)

Experience of invasive & non-surgical cardiac care & improved quality of life.

0422 4971331

Mobile : +91 91597 00800

               +91 94430 61115

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