On December 2nd, 2024 the MD Jagadish of Nandini Milk Federation of Karnataka was silently removed from his job. This news was not reported in the media and no one was aware about the reason for his removal from the position and none knows where he is transferred.


Congress’ new MP from Wayanad Kerala?

On December 2nd, 2024 the MD Jagadish of Nandini Milk Federation of Karnataka was silently removed from his job.

This news was not reported in the media and no one was aware about the reason for his removal from the position and none knows where he is transferred.

This young MD Jagadish had come up with a new project of introducing Nandini brand Idli-Dosa batter from January 2025 onwards. We all know Nandini brand of milk products and it’s Ghee which is supplied to Tirupati because of its purity. Taking advantage of its goodness of its products the young MD had come up with the concept of Idli-dosa batter.

Unfortunately this new product was not introduced and you know why?

You will be aware that there’s one brand already available in this product of Idli-dosa and it’s brand name is : 

The above product is manufactured by a Muslim family headed by PC Mustafa and he is from Kerala.

The moment when he came to know the details of Nandini’s batter being introduced next month, he contacted Priyanka and requested her to stop Nandini from interfering with his business.

Immediately Priyanka asked DKSHI and Siddaramaiah to stop Nandini from doing business in Nandini Batter. Not only it was stopped but, poor Jagadish was removed from his post.

Just two years back when Amul wanted to enter Karnataka the same Congress leaders screamed on top of their voice because if Amul enters Karnataka then Nandini will be destroyed. Today, the same Congress has destroyed Nandini because Priyanka’s orders.

This is how Congress is ruling our nation....


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